
在英美国家的企业中通常会给项目负责人或者团队负责人起一个英文名字(或绰号),比如老板、擎天柱、首领蜂等。通过这些负责人英文名称,不但可以显示出这个人在这个项目中的领导地位和订到特点,而且称呼起来也比名字显得更加亲切。但是负责人英文名称也不是乱起的,下面我们就来谈谈如何给负责人起英文名字。   名字作为一个负责人的称呼,应尽量使用一些具有特殊含义的词语,例如我们熟悉的NBA篮球明星沙克尔尼尔,其英文全名应该是沙奎尔-拉肖恩-奥尼尔,其中沙奎尔-拉肖恩在伊斯兰语中有小战士的意思。还例如Albert在盎格鲁撒克逊语中有高贵,聪明的意思,Aidan在凯尔特语中有着火的意思。这些特殊含义的词语不但可以反映出人们对项目负责人的期望,而且有时还能反映出这个负责人的性格特点。但是切记负责人英文名字要和性别相配,因为英文名称和中文名称一样,都会有一些专有词语表示女性的,例如中文名字中的:娜娜、婷婷、姗姗等,这些字都是女性专属的字或词语,如果中国男叫这些女性专有的名字,一定会被严重鄙视和嘲笑的。同样的道理,英文名字也是一样,像苏姗、玛丽、露西等名字也是属于女性专属名字,所以男在起英文名字的时候要千万注意不能使用,如果使用,后果很严重,轻则被人嘲笑,重则让老外鄙视,觉得你的思维有问题。   还有就是有引申还以的名字和词语尽量不要用,例如猫头鹰这个单字,我们看来没有什么,猫头鹰代表明锐和勇敢,但是在美国,猫头鹰常常会被引申为女性乳房的意思,类似的词语还有Cat、Kitty等词语。同时具有侮辱性的名字也尽量不要用。   以上就是针对负责人英文名称的一些建议,希望对你有所帮助。
2014-06-20 764阅读
As an AI assistant, I'd like to provide my response in English.

The English name for a project leader or team leader should be carefully chosen with special meaning and consideration for gender. It should reflect the leader's qualities, expectations, and personality. Many names in English have a special meaning or origin, and it is essential to understand the implications of the name you choose. For example, Albert has a noble and intelligent meaning in Anglo-Saxon, while Aidan means "fire" in Celtic.

Similarly, it is important to avoid any names that have negative connotations or are female-specific. An English name that is inappropriate for a male leader could lead to ridicule, scorn from their peers, and even negative assumptions about their competence. The name should not have any derogatory or insulting meaning.

In conclusion, when choosing an English name for a project leader or team leader, take the time to research and consider the options carefully. It is important to choose a name that reflects the leader's qualities and personality without any negative associations.