
以下评论来自论坛,是外国人对中国产品的评价,你有何看法? 1.??samson1967 (4602) mark best response??1 day ago Chinese products are cheaper and got many features that branded products of European union US and Canada does not possess. They lack service after sales. 2.??rlaknar (213) mark best response??1 day ago Products like electronic goods are good but the life time is somewhat less.And the products workability is good. 3.??se7enthbird (2245) mark best response??1 day ago products from china dies easily. they expire easily they break easily. here in our country cellphones from china are called cloned cellphones. for it looks exactly like the unit you wanted but the inside are all different from the original ones. it is cheap yes but it would be much better if it is cheap and durable at the same time. 4.??daliaj (1357) mark best response??1 day ago In India people consider Chineese products are not long lasting, especially electrical goods. They don't offer warranty. Usually Chineese products are cheap and poor people go for it. A lot of business is there for Chineese goods, especially gift items. People don't care much about the lasting of goods. Lol. I personally don't buy an expensive Chineese prodcut like a computer, camera, or a mobile. But, I he bought a lot of Chineese products like smal clocks, gift items, cute statues, etc. which are always less than 200 ruppes, that is 4 dollars. I don't prefer to risk a lot of money for a C-product. I am sorry. This is my personal opinion. 5.??ybonjoc (376) mark best response??1 day ago Generally speaking Chinese products are cheap.But of lesser quality.Actually my sister(abroad) had given my an ipod nano-like.I downloaded songs and started listening to it then out of sudden, it hanged up and shows the white screen.Well, now it is considered dead. I do not recommend these products.I also remember the Melamine issue?And I also heard that toys made from them contains toxic that can harm the kids.Sorry to say but I am not into these products whether they are cheap.I will still go for the quality ones. 6.??coolcat123 (2314) mark best response??1 day ago Here in India, Chinese products, specially electronic products can be buyed at cheap cost as there are not much supports ailable here, if the product gets any problem.Also, the quality of Chinese products aren't that well as compared to the Indian product.But instead of these all problems, Chinese products he much more feature then normal products making it a nice product to purchase. agv0419 (922)??20 hours ago Chinese products is after for quantity but not the quality. I'm not against of the product I'm only observed it here. Many Chinese products here are cheap but I think some of them he a good quality too. Some people he a bad impression on the Chinese products because of the melanin issue and some harmful substances that they added in their products. In general Chinese is hardworking people and innovative so they always mass produce products and sometimes they neglect the quality of them. 7.??DrMario (1121) mark best response??1 day ago Sorry, I mean no offense but... Products from China are cheap and poorly made. There seems to be no standards to their exports. Most of the high ticket items are not as durable as they should be and the inexpensive products aren't worth the dollar we pay for them. Many of my family and friends and other groups here in the US are boycotting the products from China. Not only because they are poorly manufactured or can't pass the standards in the US but because of the human rights issues facing the people of China and the unwillingness of the State to allow more freedoms for her people. As soon as a good product is manufactured in China and her people see some freedoms, purchasing her products will resume as it was before they tried to kill us all with their lead painted toys and
2014-06-02 916阅读