
9月18日客户发了好多询盘,都是带产品的链接,写出了他要求的数量和价格。家搜索那还有我们公司的名字,当时看到很兴奋。这个客户有潜力。价格是我们定的区间里比较低的了,但是这是我好不容易到的询盘,一个多月了一直没有单,所以我是给客户这样回的。 第一封, Hi xx, I am very happy that you are interested in our products.Thank you! I will think about it if you are really want to coorperate with us.and???then i will sent the items details to you. Best regards, XX 9.29号客户终于回了我 ive read your price list we will try your company out we want 400 of the xx on your price list you sent us the price was $ if we are happy with your products we will be ordering more of your other products from your company we spend last year $75.000 on aids we want to double our buying aids so we can give our custmers a good prices so they come back to us? give us the price on p&p by using the cheapest like fedex or dhl we can wait for the dlivery over 7 days in divery time so can you work out the price then we will order from you today thanks gordon email me gdmckie and give me the total cost including the p&p 这次又发了很多链接,总共加起来要了15种产品,最低数量是20个,最多的是400个。但是我给的价格比较低。 但是10.1放假,我就没看邮箱。跑去珠海玩了。10月3号才看到。这期间客户居然在旺旺上找我,催得很急。悲剧的是我3号才看到!!!!他九月底发给我的!!! 然后我赶紧回了一封给他。 Hi xx, How are you? I'm on vacation these days. I he work out the price with DHL.pls look at the following as below. 400 pcs xx is 568,52USD 100 pcs xx is 683.2USD 100 pcs?xx is? 219.48USD 100 pcs xx is 366USDaa 100 pcs xx is 107.85USD,? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 20 pcs xx is 193.13USD 100 pcs xx is 163.24USD Total price is 2301.42USD Best regards, 客户一直没读我的回复,我在10月18号追加了一封。 Hi xx, The price of the xx is still 0.81usd/pc,? do you still he the order plan? BTW,He you recieved the email on 4th Oct?I am so sorry? for late reply.Because we were on vacation from 27th Sep to 3rd Oct for National Day. And my colleague Ruby just back to work today, she was ill for almost 20days, so she didn't read the message in time.sorry agian. Waiting for your reply. B.Regards, xx 客户也没有回我,我在10月29号发了一封同样的过去。还是没有读。估计客户真的是被伤到了。可是我讲清楚了原因,然后也道歉了。追加了这么多封,可见我的诚意。哎,说多了都是泪啊! ...................... 我跟自己说不要放弃,在11月份又追加了一封,推荐了几款产品,客户一直没有理我。我发的邮箱,不是通过询盘回的,不知道看了没有。 Hi xx, How are you doing? I dont' know whether you remember me or not.I'm xx from xx. i lost the valuable opportunity with your company before.??i'm for keeping touch with you for business. I will try my best to satisfy you well. i choosed some hot sale items and??made detailed drawing for you.pls check the attachment. Please let me know your specific enquiry if you are still interested in any items.and i would like to offer the latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other. Our web site: xxx Looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, xx 我怕发得频繁不好。就等着圣诞节。12.24号就发了一封问候信和自己的贺卡。但是还是没有回我。1月8号客户旺旺居然上线了,我逮着机会跟他打招呼,但是没有理我。我好伤心啊!估计是不是不想理我了。 我现在不知道拿他怎么了。但是我是不会放弃的。如果大家愿意的话,我希望你们能教点追客户的经验。
2014-05-15 322阅读

Hi xx,

I hope this email finds you well. I am following up on our previous conversation regarding your interest in our products. We had discussed some pricing and shipping options, and I wanted to confirm whether you are still interested in placing an order with us.

If so, please let me know and I would be happy to assist you with the order process. If not, I understand and appreciate your time and consideration.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,