平板的,ISO17050 ISO17052是什么认证啊?

下面是客户邮件,各位有接触过ISO17050, ISO 17025吗? 多谢了先! please find in below the document in need for the tablet biz: An agreement of distribution and coorporationship Conformity declaration original. issued by the manifacturer conform to the standard ISO 17050 (17050-1;17050-2). signed andstamped. Confirmation signature of the person authorized to sign the??conformity declaration. délivred by the manufacturer. User manual Technical description of the equipement Test reports come from a certified 17025 laboratory??in matters of: Electrical security Electromagnetic compatibility Radioelectrical??spectrum and also the sample wich must he the fellowing data: Brand Name:............................... Model number:........................... Sérial Number:............................. Marking :CE Manifacturing country:.............. Many thanks.
2014-05-09 1037阅读
ISO/IEC 17050 is a standard that specifies general requirements for the competence, consistency and impartiality of bodies performing conformity assessment of consumer products and services. This standard is intended to provide consumers with confidence in the quality and safety of the products and services offered in the market.

ISO/IEC 17025 is a standard that specifies the general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. This standard is intended to ensure that laboratories are capable of producing consistent and accurate results, and that they operate in accordance with internationally recognized procedures.

Based on the information provided by the customer, it seems that they are looking for a tablet device that is accompanied by various documentation and certification, including conformity to ISO 17050 (1 and 2), test reports from a certified 17025 laboratory, and the CE marking. These documents provide assurance that the tablet is safe and meets certain quality standards.