再论 如何应对“客人要样品 有不肯付运费 ”

“客人要样品,但又不肯付快递费。” 相信外贸的人,肯定都会碰到过这样的情况。如何解决,大家发放各异。 下面是我本人的两个经历,贴出来,跟大家分享讨论一下。 案例一: * 客人要寄样,本人回复如下: Dear Mr. W, Thanks for your mail and details! Before sending out??the samples, we need to check the below??issues with you at first. a).??------------------------------ b). As per our company's policy, we can offer the free samples, but the courier should be afforded by you side. And pls kindly advise your ailable courier account , just like DHL or else. Thanks for your understanding in advance!? ?And your earlier reply will be highly appreciated. Any more questions, just be free to let us know. Best Regards H * 客人不同意,回复如下: Dear Sir, Thanks for your below email. We understand your position but we consider this point in a different way : since we he many suppliers and many clients, all our suppliers send us their samples free of charges ( including the courier costs ) and we send all samples to our clients free of charge ( including the courier costs ). It is a normal business way since the seller must invest something to obtain a client. We sincerely hope you agree with us on the above. Best regards. w * 基本上在我的意料之中,如是回复如下: Dear Mr. Winerlak, We appreciate your quick response. Yes. We do understand what you mentioned in below mail.??This is also the regular practise we act with our existing clients. There are two reasons that why we ask the new clients ,just like you, to afford the courier. a) . We he lots of samples to be send out every day. It would be a big burden, if we pay all the money by ourself. (这个也是我从fob上借鉴过来的,合情合理。) b). This is the first time we work together. And we both need time to earn with the mutual understanding. (实话实话,客人也能理解的。) To be honeslty, we even collect the sample fee from other clients, but offer free samples for you. Because we can see you are a professional & reliable buyer from you website. What's more, we will pay this money back when you placing orders. (上面的a和b,叫“晓之以理”。这段算是“动之以情”了。) Pls kindly understand we he tried our best to make a special offer for you, and do you part to move forward. (这句话是从“水先生”哪里copy的。因为觉得很实用,效果也不错。) Thks & Best Regards H *结果自认水到渠成了,客人乖乖的奉上账号。 案例二: *客人要样品,我回复如下: Dear I, -------------------------- According to our company's policy, we can provide the sample for free, but the courier should be beared by your side. However, we will deduct this from the payments of the orders aomount. Pls kindly advise your ailable courier account. Thanks for your understanding! Best Regards H *看看客人的反应 Hello H, Thanks for your kind email. As you can see visiting our website, we are indeed interested and strongly specialized in ---. If we may be interested in your products is not for a punctual operation, but for a long term basis cooperation. ------ I understand perfectly your company policy about samples delivery. But, we he our current Chinese supplier for these products. It should be your interest and your small investment to send to us the requested samples, not ours. No matter if it is DHL or standard post mail, this is not an urgent matter. But of course we expect from you the samples delivery, not opposite. Thanks in advance, and we look forward to hearing from you or receiving samples. I * 还是在意料之中。但是对于这样的客人,单“动之以理,晓之以情”还是不够的。 还要加上“晓之以利”。 * 因为客人对价格是满意的。说明我的产品是有竞争力的,所以不妨吹吹牛。 Dear I, Good Morning! As you know, we already visited the web before contacting with you. That's why we want to build a long-term businesship with you. It's very reasonable that we supply samples for free, and buyers afford the courier. This is also our regular practice with the new customers, who really want
2013-10-05 1134阅读
,and we look forward to starting a mutually beneficial business relationship with you soon.

Best Regards,

* 客人要求寄样,却不肯付快递费,回复如下:

Dear Mr. X,

Thank you for your interest in our products. We are pleased to hear that you would like to receive some samples for your evaluation.

However, we regret to inform you that we cannot cover the cost of shipping the samples to you. We fully understand that as a buyer, you would like to see and test the quality of our products before making a purchase. However, as a seller, we have to bear certain costs in order to provide you with the best possible service.

Therefore, we kindly request that you cover the cost of shipping the samples to your location. We can provide you with the best possible shipping rate through our trusted courier partners, and you can choose the most convenient method of payment.

We hope you can understand our position, and we look forward to the possibility of doing business with you in the future.

Best regards,


  • Susan.Ye
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  • Shirley19
  • Bert.Van.Rossen
    多谢 楼主!
  • rachel9
  • sansuki
  • Kangroo.Hao