
Nose bridge 鼻中 Tip 脚套 Temple 脚丝 Plating 电镀 Printing 印字 Lase 镭射 Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜 Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 kid's eyewear 儿童眼镜 Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片 Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹 Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片 Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片 Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件 Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件 Components of frames 镜架组件 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件 Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件 Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布 Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜、装配、调较工具 Visual test equipment 验眼设备 Edger 磨边机 Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架机械 Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及机械 Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜机械 Lathe 车床 Coating machine 镀膜机 Coating materials 镀膜原料 Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械 Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器 Ophthalmic products 眼科用品 Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂 Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统 Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学设备及原料 Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器 Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具 Moulds for ophthalmic lenses 镜片模具 Raw materials for frames 眼镜原料 Raw materials for lenses 镜片原料 Lens abrasive and polishing materials 打磨镜片原料 Electroplating, welding materials 电镀、焊接原材料 Opto-laser equipment and instruments 激光科技设备和仪器
2013-08-24 1516阅读
Additional terms:

Lens coating 镜片涂层

Anti-glare coating 防眩光涂层

Anti-reflective coating 防反射涂层

Scratch-resistant coating 抗划痕涂层

UV coating 紫外线涂层

Blue light filter coating 抗蓝光涂层

Polarized lenses 偏光镜片

Wrap-around frames 环绕式镜架

Clip-on frames 夹片镜架

Spring hinges 弹簧铰链

Adjustable nose pads 可调节鼻托

Rimless frames 无边框镜架

Semi-rimless frames 半边框镜架

Metal frames 金属镜架

Plastic frames 塑料镜架

Titanium frames 钛金属镜架

Acetate frames 醋酸纤维镜架

Lens power 镜片度数

Myopia 近视

Hyperopia 远视

Astigmatism 散光

Presbyopia 老花眼

Bifocal lenses 双光镜片

Trifocal lenses 三光镜片

Multifocal lenses 多焦点镜片