
首先, 对于我们临时翻译误报价格一事,很抱歉给贵司及我们的合作带来不便 同时,也谢谢贵司一直的完全信任与理解,配合。正因为如此,我司也竭尽全力来配合贵司这3方的关系,也将对方邮件往来的内容一一详细告知,希望的就是通过双方的紧密,配合,共同维护好彼此长期的合作,同时也不丢失第三方客人。 对于我们之间1年独销合作的协议,我们一直十分尊重并遵守着。因为通过去年至今的合作,沟通与了解,我司深刻了解到贵司是一个具有丰富营销策略的,可完全信任的公司。能与贵司尝试独销合作,慢慢进一步扩大业务,我司感到十分荣幸。 你说的对,作为一个如此大的组织/客户,他们更希望能够直接找到货源,通过来回的抗价,压价,来得到他们想要的最低的价格,以获得最高利润,其他客户也是如此。中国有句俗语:知己知彼,百战不殆。所以更需要类似贵司一样的,具体有高策略,高推广,高经验同他们谈判和协商。 再者,也谢谢贵司对我司产品的肯定和持续的大力推广,希望通过首次的独销合作,彼此建立更坚固的贸易关系,一起创造双赢的局面。我司将会按以下邮件回复第三方客户,并cc给你。 dear sir or madam: first of all , we are sorry to cause your & our cooperation such inconvenience due to our temporary translator false quoted. also , we thank you for your full trust , understanding and coordinate all the time .because of this , we , … also do our utmost to assit you to deal with the relation for these 3 sides , tell you all the details content from his email , hope to mutual maintain our long-term cooperation by both of our close contact and cooperation , meanwhile do not lose the third party . related to our 1 year exclusivity agreement , we very respect it and abide by all the time .as we understand deeply that you he rich market strategy since the lasting cooperation from last year, and can be full trust .it’s our honour that we can try to proceed exclusivity cooperation with your firm , then enlarge business slowly . your are right .for a such large organisations , they like most to seek out the manufacture directly , to get the lowest price they want by many rounds the price negotiation , he the highest profit , other customers are the same too . there is one sentence in china : know yourself and know your enemy, you will win every war .so, it is more need a company who like your , he highly strategy , promoting and experience , to discuss with them . thank you again for your affirmative to our products and continuous promoting . surely we can strengthen our trade relation by initial exclusivity cooperation , to reach a win-win situation in the long run. we will reply 3rd party as per your advice as below , and cc to you . btw , do you mind to advise me the contact information for other supplier in china ?
2013-07-07 839阅读
Dear Sir or Madam,

First of all, we would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused to your company and our cooperation due to our temporary translator's false quotation. We also want to thank you for your continued trust, understanding, and cooperation. It is because of this that we have made every effort to assist in maintaining the relationship between all three parties by providing you with detailed information from the email exchange. Our goal is to uphold our long-term cooperation while also ensuring that we do not lose any third-party clients.

Regarding our one-year exclusive sales agreement, we highly respect and adhere to its terms. Through our cooperation and communication over the past year, we have come to deeply understand that your company is a reliable and experienced firm with a wealth of marketing strategies. It is truly an honor for us to have the opportunity to engage in exclusive sales cooperation with you and gradually expand our business together.

As you mentioned, larger organizations like yours prefer to directly source products in order to negotiate prices back and forth to secure the lowest prices possible and maximize their profits. This is also true for other customers. There is a Chinese saying, "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will win every battle." Therefore, it is crucial to have a partner like your company, which possesses high-level strategies, marketing expertise, and negotiation skills, to engage in discussions with these customers.

Furthermore, we would like to express our gratitude for your recognition of our products and your continuous efforts in promoting them. Through our initial exclusive cooperation, we hope to establish a stronger trade relationship and create a win-win situation in the long term. We will reply to the third-party customer according to the contents of the email and CC you in the response.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
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  • Ivan5
  • Jeny.li
  • Suleman
    首先, 对于我们临时翻译误报价格一事,很抱歉给贵司及我们的合作带来不便
    First of all,we are awfully sorry for the inconvenience caused by our makeshift interpreter,who quoted price wrongly.Again,
    please take our sincere apology for trouble caused on your company and our cooperation.

    Meanwhile,we appreciate your trust,understanding and coopeataion all along.Just because of this,we he been sparing no
    efforts in pr
  • Raymond.Ge
  • Peter5
    :( :( :(