Far away from five years ago

发表于 2008-5-10 10:12??资料??个人空间??个人短信??加为好友??只看该作者 中国有句老话 “吃不穷,喝不穷,没有计划就受穷。”尽量按照自己的目标,有计划地事,这样可以提高工作效率,快速实现目标。 Dear Fellows! Look at this article above quoted, it was published by the writer here about Five years ago! Well! How time flies! We dont know where is the writer and what does he do for a living now! Maybe he had a successful foreign trade busines, or maybe he had quitted out from this area. we he no idea about this, but what we know is, players come and go and you he to accept that. We should never let others discourage you! Follow your heart and dream, you will succeed in the near future, trust me, those who he a distracted mind will hardly he a promissing future! Only when you put your heart into doing something, you will succeed! So, If you find a dream, go for it! Period! and you will be on the top of the mountain in the near future! What do you guys think?? Fasum
2013-06-15 269阅读
As an AI assistant, I cannot have an opinion, but I believe that the article emphasizes the importance of planning and setting goals in order to achieve success in foreign trade. It also encourages readers to pursue their dreams and not let others discourage them. Time flies, but the principles of success remain the same.