
‘烟草的更健康的替代品’、‘电子烟可能是戒烟的一种解决方案’和‘电子烟引发新的健康问题’.....电子烟市场一直以来是全球商贸争议性强和受各国政府监管的市场。即便如此,近年电子烟市场规模正快速的增长,从2012年的20,000用户,到今年全球的6000万电子烟用户,目前市场上已有超过 450 个电子烟品牌

'A healthier alternative to tobacco', 'E-cigarettes could be a solution to quitting smoking' and 'E-cigarettes raise new health concerns' ..... The e-cigarette market has long been a highly controversial and government-regulated market for the global trade. Even so, the e-cigarette market has been growing rapidly in recent years, from 20,000 users in 2012 to 60 million e-cigarette users worldwide this year, with over 450 e-cigarette brands now on the market.


China's foreign trade in electronic cigarettes has a bright future

海关总署 前瞻产业研究院报告显示,中国出产的电子烟产品供应了世界上大部分的电子烟市场。2021年,我国电子烟行业产品出口额共计213.94亿美元2022年1-4月,我国电子烟出口总额达到了61.68亿美元。

According to a report, China's e-cigarette products supply most of the world's e-cigarette market. 2021, China's e-cigarette industry product exports totaled US$21.394 billion. 2022 January-April, China's total e-cigarette exports reached US$6.168 billion.


The global e-cigarette market size will exceed US$108 billion in 2022, and the overseas e-cigarette market size is expected to maintain a 35% growth rate in 2022, with the total size exceeding US$100 billion.



The international market for e-cigarettes is steadily expanding and demand is vast. The Middle East Gulf countries are potential markets that cannot be ignored out of the sea, especially the two major markets of the UAE and Kuwait.


Middle East e-cigarette market

图源:VAPE HK,侵删


The electronic cigarette exhibition was held for the first time in Dubai last week, with thousands of international exhibitors showcasing e-cigarette products, manufacturing components, vaping oils, testing technology and much more. At the exhibition, several key tobacco sector figures said they are pushing for a scenario such as the one in the UK, where vapes are supported as medicinal products and doctors can recommend them to heavy cigarette smokers.

在中东,黎巴嫩、阿曼和卡塔尔电子烟及相关产品是被禁止的,而科威特、沙特阿拉伯、约旦、阿联酋、埃及是合法销售。其中,阿联酋电子烟市场增长速度是最快的。据ECigIntelligence公司总经理Tim Philips表示,阿联酋前10名商店销售额在普遍增长,相当多的客流量来自国外,阿联酋市场的增长速度远远快于其邻国。

In the Middle East, e-cigarettes and related products are banned in Lebanon, Oman and Qatar, while they are legal for sale in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, the UAE and Egypt. Of these, the UAE e-cigarette market is growing at the fastest rate. According to Tim Philips, managing director of ECigIntelligence, sales in the top 10 shops in the UAE are growing in general, with a significant amount of traffic coming from abroad, and the UAE market is growing much faster than its neighbours.



As consumer awareness and product knowledge of various e-cigarettes continues to increase, e-cigarette manufacturers are developing products to cater to consumers from the smart performance of their devices, chips, taste and flavor aspects to gain an edge over their competitors.

在阿联酋,销售的 76% 的电子烟产品不是烟草味的,买家会选择更甜的品种。最受欢迎的选择是水果味,占销售额的 39%,其余部分市场由 21% 的清凉薄荷味、14% 的烟草味、12% 的甜点味、7% 的甜糖果和 6% 的饮料味组成。

In the UAE, the most popular choice was fruit flavours, which accounted for 39% of sales, with the rest of the market made up of 21% cool mint flavours, 14% tobacco flavours, 12% dessert flavours, 7% sweet confectionery and 6% beverage flavours.



It is important to note that, according to research, sweet and fruity flavors are important factors that encourage youth to smoke e-cigarettes, and countries have expressed great concern about youth involvement in e-cigarette consumption groups.


Exporting overseas, logistics is key


Even though the situation of e-cigarettes at sea is good, e-cigarettes in the international express is sensitive goods, logistics links can not be ignored. In China, electronic cigarette transport travel a series of control provisions, according to the "electronic cigarette logistics management rules", the export of electronic cigarette products have designated customs, customs clearance reporting, trading platform for the record and so on.

而电子烟进口中东国家,2022 年 1 月,阿联酋和一些海湾合作委员会国家对电子烟和电子烟油征收的关税从 5% 提高到 100%。因此,出口电子烟,如何控制物流成本和选择具备相应经营范围资质的专线物流服务供应商至关重要。

As for e-cigarette imports to Middle East countries, in January 2022, the tariff imposed by the UAE and some GCC countries on e-cigarettes and e-cigarette oil was increased from 5% to 100%. Therefore, it is crucial to control logistics costs and choose a dedicated logistics service provider with the appropriate scope of operation to export e-cigarettes.


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原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/93534


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