




We understand that you have offered to provide compensation in exchange for Amazon customer reviews. Sellers are not allowed to manipulate ratings, feedback, or customer reviews.
Violations of our policies may also violate state and federal laws, including the Federal Trade Commission Act. Amazon strives to maintain customer trust and provide the best possible shopping experience. As a result, we will investigate when we learn that sellers, vendors, or others have attempted to manipulate reviews. This includes offers of compensation in exchange for reviews.
Because you are still manipulating product reviews, you currently may not sell on Agreks_okgFunds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue. If you have any open orders, please ship them.
You can view previous messages on the Performance Notifications page in Seller Central
To learn more about this policy, search for "Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions" in Seller Central Help.
To sell on Agreks_okg, please reply to this message with the following information:
-- A detailed description of all methods you used to post or obtain customer reviews that are prohibited by Amazon policies.
-- Contact information (name, email address, website, etc.) for any third parties you engaged to obtain prohibited reviews.
-- Identifying information for any customer accounts you or a third party used to post prohibited reviews.
-- List of any prohibited reviews remaining on the Amazon site.
-- A plan that explains how you will prevent product review manipulation in the future.
Once we receive your plan, we will review it and decide whether you may sell on Agreks_okg again. If you do not send an acceptable plan within 17 days, we may cancel your listings and hold any funds in your account for about 90 days, but funds could be held longer.

For help creating your plan, search for "Appeal the restriction or removal of selling privileges" in Seller Central Help



1. 通过找Top 10000 Reviewer刷单。这种方式在很久之前是很流行的,但是现在是绝对不行的,有些Reviewers已经被亚马逊限制留评价,有些甚至被注销了账号,对于卖家来说,找这些Reviewers刷单,不啻于直白的告诉平台,你正在进行刷单的行为,所以,坚决不可以采用

2. 通过自发货的方式刷单(刷评)。 有卖家自己通过多个账号操作,或者找一些不太可靠的中介操作,采用刷自发货的Listing的方式进行刷单,如果卖家采用的是FBA发货,中介也会告诉你可以通过跟卖的方式,刷跟卖的Listing,然后,因为订单和Review是汇总的,所以,也可以加总到原始Listing上来,但卖家不要忘了,亚马逊作为网购平台之外,更是一家大数据分析公司,而这些操作方式,无论是刷单用的账号,还是IP地址,以及账号的购买记录等,都很容易让亚马逊识别到其非正常行为,很容易被判定为刷单,轻则Listing被暗中降权,严重一点的,会受到亚马逊的直接警告,再严重的,就可能导致账号受限(类似于上述邮件),所以,这种方式也不可取

3. 通过美国本土真实账号购买。这是当前相对来说比较安全的一种方式,即通过美国本土的真实账号,把这些真实账号的用户组建在一个微信群里,需要刷单的卖家在群里发出自己的产品信息以及给出的折扣和返佣,买家看到后自行认领,返现的方式通过Amazon之外的渠道,比如Paypal或者微信支付等,这种方式的操作,沟通是在平台之外,付款和返佣也是在平台之外,而发货又是通过FBA的真实发货,相对来说更安全,但也必须说的是,即便这样的方式,也已经成为亚马逊的检测对象,已经有卖家通过此方式获得的评价被删除了


原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/7441


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