美国电话电报公司客户部职业经理人、经济学家戴尔伯格指出:“In foreign trade business, it is not difficult
for an enterprise to obtain an order. On the contrary, it is very easy. In the
sales process, the most critical link is how to let customers buy products and
continue to buy
福特汽车公司销售部门管理人坎特表示:“The reason why many salesmen fail in closing up with customers is that the speed of importing products is too fast, when the units and customers establish good relations, they have already imported products, or when introducing new products to the old customers, they have come to the fore without corresponding cushions, and the customers have not yet understood the new products. Salesmen are already anxious to sell their products and remember to be too aggressive when introducing product topics before getting closer to customers.” 这其中有两个重点是客户关系架构重点,即salesman——regular customer; frequent customer——new product,而在这一构架能否达成,并拥有促进效果则看foreshadowing、production marketing和气有必要联系的是customer relations。
外贸企业商业模式和本土购销模式具有本质不同,即海外分销商理念,耶鲁大学经济学教授、英国保诚集团销售部经理海尔曼认为:In the process of product sales, most of the partners of foreign trade enterprises are distributors, so how can distributors make profits in products? This type of problem is a sensitive issue that customers pay attention to, and is also the main way to get closer to customers. Therefore, in the process of customer relationship, we should focus on it. On the basis of the actual needs of users, establish close relationship with customers, and then launch new products to effectively promote product sales and maintain customer relationship. Keep in mind that it falls to the surface, touch on actual interests, understand user problems, and help customers solve problems.