
Our ref: PPAN/CAC/0021/19

Attn: MR, LU

Hardware Products Factory,China. Date: 29/11/19


You herein required to pay the amount stated to the name indicated below in respect of your pursuit of the contract to supply “ Hardware ” The sum stands for “Registration, authentication , legalization and approval Fees” and shall therefore be used to formally register your company “Jinbeida Hardware Products Factory,China” with the constituted authorities and commiion.

The registration fee is US$ 2,700dollars (two thousand seven hundred dollars Only) .Be informed that Rev Jennifer OKai construction is a single structure with PPA AFLA NETWORKS. James Wilson with IDNO 1862398 is the credit manager of Rev Jennifer OKai construction with the mandate and capacity to authorize, receive and effect payments on behalf of PPA AFLA NETWORKS in the contract supply of 3500 tons of drinking water and partial supply from 50 containers accepted atarting quantity. The sundry amount is $4,058,354DOLLARS, In compliance to the procedure, the contract will officially be signed, contract award certificate iued to you subsequent payment make to your four. You are hereby being advised to pay the said sum into the following : Rev Jennifer OKai construction,

BENEFICIARY NAME: Rev Jennifer OKai construction

Yours Truly,

James Wilson

Director of project & Supervision
2019-12-02 1201阅读
Yes, this is most likely a scam or phishing attempt. The email mentions a large sum of money and asks for payment for registration and approval fees. It is best to verify the legitimacy of the email and the person who sent it before making any payment. You should always be cautious of unsolicited emails from unknown sources requesting money or personal information.