
3年后,在几经犹犹豫豫,徘徊转转后还是了这个决定,昨天把离职的通知发给了一些亲密的客户。晚上独自一人在品味过去的点点滴滴,业务的最值得安慰的不过于是得到客户的信任 。先上几个客户的反馈以此纪念过去的辛勤工作。 Dear Ashiely, I am so sorry to hear you are leing XXX. I wish you the best and thank you for all your help. You he been very kind to us.??(那是当然的啦,要订单就要kind, kind,very kind...) You are working day and night it seems (苦逼的 )again thank you so much. Get some rest! J (还是你比较体贴,钱要赚,命还是自己哒) Kind Regards, L ----- Dear Ashiely, Thank you for your kind email.??I am sad to hear that you will not be working for XXX anymore(这个是M公司下的船务,哥们天生就比较drama,情绪型 ) You he been very nice, friendly and great to work with Ashiely!??I appreciate your dedication and hard work for XXX.??I wish you the very best in your new position. Thank you for telling us who our new contact at XXX will be. Sorry to he to say goodbye!??Best wishes to you in the future. JJJ Thank you and kind regards! G ----- Hi Ashiely, I'm so sorry to hear you are leing XXX! I enjoyed working with you even though it was just a short time. You were so thorough and I felt like we were in good hands with you! I wish you the best of luck in the future wherever you are headed next! (M公司的业务员,这个客户感触N多,从下单到出货到翻单,和客人的沟通非常的顺利。N非常非常好 )Best, N ----- 稍微再插入一个跟了3年后才下单的案例,有空在上一个google客户的发案例。外贸,并不是专靠技巧,更多的是贵在坚持。希望各位外贸同仁,在孤独的道路上加油! 始。。。。。。 第一次面基 这个客户叫John,每次写邮件给他,就会想到美国著名的小说(Dear John Letter)分手信,哈哈。??那是11年的春天,在广交会上我和john第一次见面,在展会上没有特比的交流,在看过各类的帅哥后,john很显然是不出色的 要不然按照姐姐“好色”的程度,never会错误美丽的记忆 ? ?(由于我们的展位非常好,产品特殊,但是每天忙得姐姐满眼冒光金 ,一届展会下来竟然拿了170来张名片。。。。、)由于当时还算是新人,回来后就赶紧滴给各位哥哥妹妹发发信啦。大多是石城大海,而亲爱的john,每次都是温柔的拒绝。 Dear John, Thank you for visiting our booth in past Canton Fair. am Ashiely from XXXX As per your request in the past Carton Fair, we hereby send you the detials of our product in the enclosed file. One of our customer he been ordered this products in big order, let us know if works in your marketing. Please contact us for further questions. Thanks & Best regards Ashiely XXX address: Tel: Fax: Directly: ------ Dear Ashiely, At this time, we he decided not to do 产品, but we would like to hold on to your information in case we want to do them in the future. Regards, John 期间打了长久的战役,john大抵都是回绝的。 Dear Ashiely, Thank you for the offer, but we do not want to sell 产品. Regards, John 过了很长的一段时间,在继续保持骚扰的同时,姐姐把他们的产品和网站仔细地研究了一遍,发现我们的产品其实是可行的,只是销的方式和方向不对。于是乎,姐姐每周给他推荐筛选过的产品,给出不同的销方案。终于,机会来了......
2014-06-13 277阅读