
我们现在有个印尼的客户要求我们Notarial Certificate,按他说的是让我们找Indonesia trade commision or Indonesia of consulate。。然后我就问了印尼的驻华使馆,那边回复了一个附件,有点弄不懂,麻烦大家看看具体该找谁,怎么理~~ 如下是附件的全部内容 TO PROOF A RELATION BETWEEN COMPANIES IN CHINA AND INDONESIA Keywords: API, Import License; Agreement; Appointment; Agent; Distributor; Supplier; Contract; Share holder. Related regulation o? ? ? ? Decree of the Minister of Trade number 59/M-Dag/Per/9/2012 o? ? ? ? Decree of the Minister of Trade or number 27/M-Dag/Per/2012. Background ?? ? ? ? Any non-manufacturer Indonesian company who is applying for an Import License is required to submit a document showing special relation with the owner of goods/products to be imported. ?? ? ? ? The document is could be any form of Supplier Agreement/Distributorship Agreement/Contractual Agreement; Joint Venture/Loan Agreement/Share Ownership/ Subsidiary Company The Embassy of Indonesia requires the following document: 1.? ? ? ? An original Supplier Agreement/Distributorship Agreement/Contractual Agreement; Joint Venture/Loan Agreement/Share Ownership/ Subsidiary Company between Indonesian Company and Chinese Company; 2.? ? ? ? Copy (副本) of the Business License of the Chinese Company; 3.? ? ? ? Copy of the Business License of the Indonesian Company (SIUP); 4.? ? ? ? Original letter (English version, sign and stamp) along with 4 Digit of HS Code Number and product classification from a Chinese Company to the Trade Counselor in Beijing for a request to issue acknowledgement letter 5.? ? ? ? Copy of Distributor/Agent certificate issued by Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia (for distributor/agent only) Steps (Procedures) ?? ? ? ? The documents mentioned in points 1 and 2 above should firstly be legalized by a Notary Office or China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in the area (city/municipality) where the company is located; ?? ? ? ? Following the Notary or CCPIT deeds the documents should be legalized by the Legalization Center of Department of Protocol of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (MOFA), (Telephone number: 86-10-65889760-3); ?? ? ? ? After steps above are completed, all of the documents must be approved by the Protocol and Consular Affairs, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing (Telephone number: 86-10-65325434/65325486 ext. 8041). o? ? ? ? The MOFA of PR China will send the documents to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Beijing, so the representative of the company does not need to be present. o? ? ? ? All of the documents will be sent back to the MOFA of PR China. ?? ? ? ? Both original & copy of the documents could be delivered through CCPIT (Tel: 86-10-82217035/82217061/82217030/82217031) or by appointed representative of the company to Commercial Section of Indonesian Embassy (Tel: 86-10-65325486 ext.8008)
2014-05-31 364阅读
ion Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China (MFA);
?? ? ? ? After the legalization by the MFA, the documents should be further legalized by the Embassy of Indonesia in Beijing.

In summary, you will need to follow the steps below:
1. Obtain the original Supplier Agreement/Distributorship Agreement/Contractual Agreement between your company and the Indonesian company.
2. Obtain a copy of your company's business license.
3. Obtain a copy of the Indonesian company's SIUP.
4. Write an original letter (in English) to the Trade Counselor in Beijing requesting an acknowledgement letter. This letter should include the 4 digit HS Code Number and product classification.
5. If you are a distributor or agent, obtain a copy of the distributor/agent certificate issued by the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia.
6. Have the documents mentioned in points 1 and 2 legalized by a Notary Office or CCPIT.
7. After obtaining the Notary or CCPIT deeds, have the documents legalized by the Legalization Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.
8. Finally, have the documents legalized by the Embassy of Indonesia in Beijing.

It is important to note that the requirements for Notarial Certificate may vary depending on the specific situation and needs of the client, so it is always best to confirm with the client before proceeding with the Notarial Certificate process.