
货到苏丹近80天,客人不付款,还不允许退运,急! 经过6个小时的奋斗,终于把积分转正,贡献值也正了,不容易啊!请大家仔细帮我分析一下,不胜感激! 我司通过英国NITISH发给苏丹ALI的第二批番茄酱,CNF,货值将近4万美金,2个柜于7月25号发货,9月1号到港,客人预付40%,余款在形式中规定见提单复印件7天内结清,但至今未付,货未提,记名正本提单一直在我司手里。 我们之间的争端主要是商标(4US牌,客人的定牌)上的配料表中含有淀粉和糖,苏丹客人是第一次进口番茄酱罐头,说这是他们政府不允许的,但我们生产之前已经让NITISH确认过此标签和形式了,有邮件为证。他们说当时没注意配料表,说我们应该写在形式中,由苏丹政府来确认,大家的习惯是从来不把配料等内容写入形式,但必须把标签传给客人确认,现在客人坚持苏丹政府只确认形式,而没有亲自确认标签,给苏丹客人造成了很大损失,而不付余款,他们故意拖延了好长时间,现在货到港已经将近80天了,反而要求我们退回预付款。 另外,我们同时给苏丹另一个老客人发ALGROUB品牌的货,同样的品质,配料,包装,同一天装箱,上同一条船,他们已经顺利的提货了,没有提出任何问题。 另外一个重要原因就是受经济危机影响,苏丹市场价格最近一直在降价,销量一直下滑. 到目前为止,NITISH在故意拖延时间,问题责任完全在对方,一直达不成协议,陷入僵局,现在想把这2个柜退回,或转港,但PIL船公司告诉我们退货或改提单货人必须征求提单上货方的书面同意,据说是苏丹海关的强制规定,对本地企业的一种保护,但我们提单货人是苏丹农商银行,他们是不是想故意拖延到90天,然后就可以低价来拍这2个货柜了,食品有到苏丹港90天期限无人提货就被拍规定吗? 客人不付款,必须由提单上的货人提货,想退运货转港,也必须先经目前货人同意,太霸道了,我该怎么?(我们有签署的形式,没有签正式合同及索赔或仲裁条款) 我们也找中国驻苏丹大使馆了,他们只答应帮助协调,没有法律效力。 客人说海关已经警告他们,货肯定进不了苏丹市场了..... 他们要求我们退给他们定金,他们就协助理退货 下面是PIL发给苏丹的邮件。。。 Dear Captain: As per shipper's msg,they hv came to conclusion that the mft consignee will reject the cargo. And shipper request to amend the consignee to "to order",and also amend the notify party to another one. Pls kindly assist to confirm for proceed.Thanks! Best regards! 沉重的打击,PIL苏丹的回复: Kindly cnfm if the new party will collect d/o here and will bear all the cost ? Most Important is the mnfst cnnee will rlse the cargo to new cnnee.i.e custom will require mnfst cnnee to rlse cargo to new one. rgrds/capt fadul 11.18日苏丹的回复: we thinking deeply and make hard for along to help you but unfortunately you did not understand us. now for last time we preform following multible choice; a-YOU RE SHIP GOODS TO ANY OTHER BUYER ,ETHIOPIA .MALI OR NEXT,WE HELP YOU IN THAT AND SHARE 50%OF DEMURRAGE TOO AFTER YOU REFUND OUR DEPOSIT b- if you trust Algroub or any other customer in sudan we accept to deliver them the documnts and they clear the goods after they refund our deposit and we still share them 50% of demuerrage too. c- you send documents to china Embassy to clear the goods and sell the goods then every side take his share(if they accepred) d-you pay to clear the goods and we all work for clearing if we succeed we give the embassy commercial consoler cheque by all amount including clearing customs+ballance minus demurrage cheque 120days please study carefully and choose the best by the way demurrage so far about USD6500.00 by the way chinese consoler met me today and understand the situation and ask me to solve the problem friendly to keep sudanese chinese relation in good and to keep good relation betwwen us and the company of china for the future. regards 11.20早上,经过协商,得到了以下回复: We/Ali, are ready to accept as under and we do not want any bargain about it of pls kindly take note:- a.? ?? ? We/Ali are ready to bear the 100%??of??demurrage pertaining these??two containers. b.? ?? ?We/Ali??shall withdraw our letter written to the steamer company. c.? ?? ? Your embassy to give us cheque dated 30 days from today. i.e 20th December 08 amounting usd.15,910.00 (fifteen thousand nine hundred ten usdollars) d.? ?? ?We shall not interfere with anyone handling these two containers but they should be taken out of Sudan as we donot want these goods to enter Sudan hing been rejected by our authorities. e.? ?? ?You will bear the expenses of shipping the goods out of Sudan at your account. f.? ?? ???We shall assist in re-exporting the containers but no further charges to our account except the demurrage in article a). We hope you confirm this by return and ask your embassy to give the Cheque on Mr. Ali Omer Musmar for 40% deposit paid by us ( usd. 15,910.00)??dated 20th December 08 enabling him to give the letter to the steamer??company and pa
2014-05-24 997阅读


1. 联系中国驻苏丹大使馆,寻求他们的协助。

2. 尝试与货物承运人协商更改货物目的地或提单货人,尽量减少损失。

3. 如果客户没有付款,您的公司可以提起诉讼或者仲裁,寻求合理的赔偿。

4. 在未来的贸易合同中,建议将配料表等内容明确写入合同中,避免类似的问题再次发生。

  • alfonso.fang
  • 雨点
  • mark