
我到公司已经1个半月啦。这个产品还算新手,但是打自内心不能说自己是新手。毕竟从事外贸工作工作6年啦。今天是第一回碰到客户说货物不符合他们要的。 2014.03.26早晨 7:26am (北京时间)打公司邮箱,到客户秘书发来的邮件说产品不是他们要的产品。 (客户秘书邮件)regarding the shipment that we he just received.??we he a major problem with the ss clamps.? ? we he attached a picture of the 7 inch and 8 inch ss clamp that we received.??the last picture is the ss clamp that we he always gotten from you and is what we need. mr??h (客户) has informed me that we need all the ss clamps (picture enclosed) air freighted in immediately at your expense.??so we need the following. 32 – 7 inch ss clamps 196 – 8 inch ss clamps 12 – 10 inch ss clamps 看看上面的货我就惊呆啦。。。因为我们的货值金额有点高。。。 我就找出了之前同事的邮件(同事已经离职)!仔细的阅读了好几遍,并且有关于抱箍这个产品的往来邮件打印下来,然后逐字逐句的翻译出来,找出了原因,ss clamps with cab bracket. 最主要的处在with cab bracket 这个单词上。 这个单词在我们的产品的资料上多是表示有耳朵的意思,所以之前的业务员就理所当然的认为这就是耳朵的意思,而这个单词还有支架的意思,这个意思就是客户的意思。 (中间之前的往来邮件就不附上啦) 客户说自己已经了支架,抱箍上不需要支架。(we he always ordered cab brackets separately.) 我的同事是反复跟他确认说是不是带耳朵的抱箍(而且问他是抱箍上有没有cab bracket.不是其他地方)。而且跟他说明他之前的货全部的是带耳朵。这次不带耳朵的抱箍很疑惑。车间里的人也很奇怪。但是客户就一直回复的意思说是??ss clamps without cab bracket. 货二月份出的,出货清单上写着(ss clamps without cab bracket)这份货的是电放。钱是之前就到啦。也就是说业务员在离职之前操作好啦。。。至少尾款到啦。 我个人认为,这个责任问题嘛.客户那边是主要责任,而且是99%,而我的同事是1%。为什么这么说。因为我同事缺少发一个照片对应说明给客户确认。 而为什么说客户是主要责任呢:1.我同事反复邮件告知询问了是否ss clamps with cab bracket. 2.客户对于商的质疑没有仔细看,理所当然认为。。。 (秘书回的邮件)when the e-mail came through saying ss clamp with or without cab bracket.??we told you without cab bracket but that meant that we did not need the actual bracket.??we needed the piece on the ss clamp welded on so that it hooks to the cab bracket that we he gotten from you for every shipment that we he ordered from you.(picture enclosed). 3.客户如果叫我同事发图片,或他发图片给我同事确认也不会出现这种问题。 4.客户的不能因为误认为就能掩盖自己的责任。 我把客户(秘书)跟同事的邮件---因为客户的邮件有时候由秘书代发的。 我把客户(秘书)发同事的邮件,同事发客户的邮件。两则的往来邮件重新用同事的邮箱转发给客户的邮箱跟客户秘书的邮箱。再用我现在用的公司邮箱发了一份我们产品ss clamps with clamps 跟ss clamps without clamps.产品图片带翻译附上发到了客户的邮箱跟客户秘书的邮箱。他们回复的邮件是 (客户回我的邮件)would he been nice if a(我同事) would he sent this page to us. we expected to get everything the same as we he in every other order. every previous order cane with the proper clamp. when she asked about clamp with cab bracket we thought she meant the cab bracket that mounts on the truck as we were not told any different. if m(客户的之前员工) was still there this would he never happened. we need the proper clamps and do not understand why this order was different than every other order we received? talk to mr. r(我老板) and find out how we are gping to solve this as we now he ***** that we cannot sell as we he the wrong clamps!! look forward to your reply. 问题来啦。。。。1.现在就是客户的产品缺少了不带耳朵的抱箍不了。。。 2.客户的秘书在邮件中提到空运费我们承担。。。(什么概念,这是一笔不小的支)老板根本就不会出。。 因为不是质 量问题。而且之前反复跟客户确认后才下单生产的。如果质量问题我们这里有一年保修期的。 3.不想得罪老客户,毕竟这是老客户。了好几年啦。 4.我仔细看了一下产品就是一块耳朵,这块耳朵是后续焊接上的。能否就只耳朵,然后空运给客户, 然后运费跟产品的费用客户出,因为耳朵小,虽然有点重,但是跟生产整个产品来比,又轻又省立方, 后续的焊接跟打磨让客户在他们哪里找个焊接师傅把耳朵焊接上。对他们来说是件即快,而且省成本。 而对我们也有好处。因为现在是生产忙季。(是我个人的想法) 我该怎么呢。。。其实我心里很清楚我该些什么!
2014-05-07 327阅读
rt of the ss clamp to us before shipment or told us that we he to order a different ss clamp. We thought that we were ordering the same ss clamp. We he had shipment issues before with other vendors and had to make sure that everything was correct before shipment. We will accept the shipment that we he, but we hope that in the future that we can communicate better and catch any issues before shipment. Thank you.

(客户秘书回我的邮件)thank you for the email. We will confirm with mr. H that he is okay with the ss clamps without cab bracket and move forward. Thank you for the clarification.
