
Dear all, 昨天到船公司的通知,说进口到巴西的单,5月6号之后到港的,货人不用正本提单就可以提货!船公司正在想应对政策。 我们发了邮件给巴西核实,确有此事,具体要求是: 货人只需要清晰的正本复印件,以及付清堆存费,税费等目的港费用,就可以提货。 目的港码头会检查SISCARGA系统(巴西进口申报系统),如果SISCARGA系统里进口申报资料错误,或者显示有某些费用还没有结算,码头就不会放货。此费用包括海运费,起运港码头杂费,目的港码头杂费。 所以,建议,shipper一定要到货款再出口。或者出 HBL,在目的港控制:等到所有问题解决以后,再支付目的港的港杂费,然后货人才能提货。 部建议: 不要指望出HBL就能解决一切问题,所有到巴西的单,shipper一定要到全部货款再出口。对于已经出口的,5月6号之后到港的,务必检查各自的单,看shipper是否到货款。 以下是的邮件原文,供参考: Dear Amanda, Note this information it is correct , the Brazilian Customs notice this new regulation ( IN 1356 ) from 05.May. As per this Normative Instruction , the all import cargoes on channel of??green light (for other channel ( Yellow or Red ) the Cnee must show the OBL ) , the Cnee don't need the presentation of the original BL to Bonded Warehouse ,??the Cnee only need to show the legible copy of this OBL to bonded warehouse and after to pay the customs warehouse storage , duties & taxes , the Cnee can pick up the cargo . But the bonded warehouse need to check if don't he??restriction on Siscarga System , if there is restriction , the bonded warehouse can not release the cargo ,so firstly the Cnee need to check the Siscarga if are ok . About the restriction , you can consider : wrong information of declaration of Import ( DI ) or pending of payment of port charges . For wrong information of DI , this is responsibility of Cnee . For pending of payment of port charges , this information the Shipping Line confirm that don't he any pending after they receive the all cost of port charges ( origin & destiny ) and for collect shipment after the Cnee pay the ocean freight . So the Shipper need to take care about the pending of payment of the cargo , because if there is any pending , it is better don't ship the cargo , because once the cargo arrive in destiny , the Cnee can release the cargo and don't pay this pending , but note if the Shipper use HBL , we can hold the cargo in destiny , because we will not pay the Shipping Line till the Cnee to solve the problems of this pending. Note you also take care about the origin charges , you must pay this costs to Shipping Line after the Shipper pay you this costs . Note like this??new regulation started now ,in some ports at Brazil , the bonded warehouse are asking the OBL , but we think that soon it is not necessary the OBL for green light channel . Well if we he more information about it we will send you asap . Best regards
2014-02-16 1593阅读
his problem.

In summary, it is recommended that shippers ensure they have received full payment before exporting to Brazil or alternatively, they can issue an HBL to control the release of the cargo until all issues are resolved. It is important to check the import declaration information in the SISCARGA system to avoid any restrictions or pending payments. Shippers should be aware of this new regulation and take caution to avoid any potential risks when exporting to Brazil.
  • Jane21
  • Aryanpur
  • 曹兵
  • Dawn2
  • sergio.heredia.escalera
    是否可以再提单复印件上 遮掩住关键的一些数据?