
因为客户了1份建筑说明和1份技术说明,所以我这个外贸新人就不得不去学习一下这些建筑英语。 但是没有想到,就连只是钢结构的专业英语,都那么多。 无奈,我的报价也要把中文翻译成英文,结果,我对这些钢结构专业英语又有了进一步的了解。 顺便和各位分享分享。。。 a acceptable quality 合格质量 acceptance lot 验批量 aciera 钢材 admixture 外加剂 against slip coefficient between friction surface of high-strength bolted connection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数 aggregate 骨料 air content 含气量 air-dried timber 气干材 allowable ratio of height to sectional thickness of masonry wall or column 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比 allowable slenderness ratio of steel member 钢构件容许长细比 allowable slenderness ratio of timber compression member 受压木构件容许长细比 allowable stress range of fatigue 疲劳容许应力幅 allowable ultimate tensile strain of reinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值 allowable value of crack width 裂缝宽度容许值 allowable value of deflection of structural member 构件挠度容许值 allowable value of deflection of timber bending member 受弯木构件挠度容许值 allowable value of deformation of steel member 钢构件变形容许值 allowable value of deformation of structural member 构件变形容许值 allowable value of drift angle of earthquake resistant structure 抗震结构层间位移角限值 amplified coefficient of eccentricity 偏心距增大系数 anchorage 锚具 anchorage length of steel bar 钢筋锚固长度 approval analysis during construction stage 施工阶段验算 arch 拱 arch with tie rod 拉捍拱 arch-shaped roof truss 拱形屋架 area of shear plane 剪面面积 area of transformed section 换算截面面积 aseismic design 建筑抗震设计 assembled monolithic concrete structure 装配整体式混凝土结构 automatic welding 自动焊接 auxiliary steel bar 架立钢筋 b backfilling plate 垫板 balanced depth of compression zone 界限受压区高度 balanced eccentricity 界限偏心距 bar splice 钢筋接头 bark pocket 夹皮 batten plate 缀板 beam 次梁 bearing plane of notch 齿承压面 bearing plate 支承板 bearing stiffener 支承加劲肋 bent-up steel bar 弯起钢筋 block 砌块 block masonry 砌块砌体 block masonry structure 砌块砌体结构 blow hole 气孔 board 板材 bolt 螺栓 bolted connection (钢结构螺栓连接 bolted joint (木结构螺栓连接 bolted steel structure 螺栓连接钢结构 bonded prestressed concrete structure 有粘结预应力混凝土结构 bow 顺弯 brake member 制动构件 breadth of wall between windows 窗间墙宽度 brick masonry 砖砌体 brick masonry column 砖砌体柱 brick masonry structure 砖砌体结构 brick masonry wall 砖砌体墙 broad-leed wood 阔叶树材 building structural materials 建筑结构材料 building structural unit 建筑结构单元 building structure 建筑结构 built-up steel column 格构式钢柱 bundled tube structure 成束筒结构 burn-through 烧穿 butt connection 对接 butt joint 对接 butt weld 对接焊缝 c calculating area of compression member 受压构件计算面积 calculating overturning point 计算倾覆点 calculation of load-carrying capacity of member 构件承载能力计算 camber of structural member 结构构件起拱 cantilever beam 挑梁 cap of reinforced concrete column 钢筋混凝土柱帽 carbonation of concrete 混凝土碳化 cast-in-situ concrete slab column structure 现浇板柱结构 cast-in-situ concrete structure 现浇混凝土结构 citation 孔洞 city wall 空斗墙 cement 水泥 cement content 水泥含量 cement mortar 水泥砂浆 characteriseic value of live load on floor or roof 楼面、屋面活荷载标准值 characteristi cvalue o fwindload 风荷载标准值 characteristic value of concrete compressive strength 混凝土轴心抗压强度标准值 characteristic value of concrete tensile strength 混凝土轴心抗拉标准值 characteristic value of cubic concrete compressive strength 混凝土立方体抗压强度标准值 characteristic value of earthquake action 地震作用标准值 characteristic value of horizontal crane load 吊车水平荷载标准值 characteristic value of masonry strength 砌体强度标准值 characteristic value of permanent action 永久作用标准值 characteristic value of snowload 雪荷载标准值 characteristic value of strength of steel 钢材强度标准值 characteristic value of strength of steel bar 钢筋强度标准值 characteristic value of uniformly distributed live load 均布活标载标准值 characteristic value of variable action 可变作用标准值 characteristic value of vertical crane load 吊车竖向荷载标准值 charaeteristic val
2014-02-10 1564阅读
bridging steel bar 联通钢筋
bridge tower 桥塔
brittle fracture 脆性断裂
building envelope 建筑物外立面
building height 建筑高度
building skin 建筑物皮肤
built-up member 组合构件
built-up steel column 组合钢柱
built-up steel section 组合钢截面
butt joint 对接焊接
buttress 扶壁
buttering 砌缝涂浆


cantilever 悬挑
cantilever beam 悬挑梁
cantilever slab 悬挑板
cast-in-situ concrete 现浇混凝土
cast-iron member 铸铁构件
cast-iron pipe 铸铁管
casting 铸件
cavity wall 空腔墙
center line of web 腹板中心线
center-to-center spacing of bolts 螺栓中心距
central angle of segmental arch 段拱中心角
centre-to-centre spacing of rivets 铆钉中心距
composite beam 组合梁
composite construction 组合结构
composite floor slab 组合楼盖板
composite section 组合截面
composite steel and concrete structure 钢-混凝土组合结构
compound steel deck 合成钢板
compression member 受压构件
compressive strength of concrete 混凝土抗压强度
concrete glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) structure
concrete masonry unit (CMU) 混凝土砌块
concrete pipe 混凝土管道
conical member 锥形构件
consistency consistency of concrete 混凝土坍落度
continuous beam 连续梁
contraction joint 伸缩缝
controlled cooling 控制冷却
core 筋
core rod 连筋
corrugated steel sheet 瓦楞钢板
counterfort 减压墙
crack 裂缝
cracking moment 裂缝矩
creep 瞬变
cross bracing 叉撑
cross-sectional dimension 截面尺寸
crush 失效
cryogenic steel structure 低温钢结构
curing 养护


damp-proof course 防潮层
dead load 死载荷
deflection 挠度
deflection of steel beam 钢梁挠度
deflection of steel column 钢柱挠度
deflection of timber beam 木梁挠度
degree of stiffness 刚度系数
depth of compression zone 受压区深度
depth of footing 基础埋深
depth of ribbed slab 琢磨深度
design ultimate load 设计极限荷载
deviation 偏差
diaphragm wall 隔板墙
direct shear test 内剪试验
discontinuous post-tensioning 非连续预应力
displacement of
  • Michael.Gui
  • coco9
  • ubaid
    好贴 必须顶
  • Wendy.Sun
  • Simon.Xie
  • andy43
  • Tom.Farrell
  • Steven37
  • Cirila.Bagon
    这么好的帖子 怎么没人回复呢

    padding plate 垫板
    partial penetrated butt weld 不焊透对接焊缝
    partition 非承重墙
    penetrated butt weld 透焊对接焊缝
    percentage of reinforcement 配筋率
    perforated brick 多孔砖
    pilastered wall 带壁柱墙
    pit 凹坑
    pith 髓心(o
    plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构
    plane hypothesis 平截面假定
    plane structure 平面结构
    plane trussed lattice grids 平面桁架系网架
    plank 板材
    plastic adaption coefficient of cross-section 截面塑性发展系数
    plastic design of steel structure 钢结构塑性设计
    plastic hinge 塑性铰
    plastlcity coefficient of reinforced
  • Mr.Luong

    fiber concrete 纤维混凝仁
    filler plate 填板门
    fillet weld 角焊缝
    final setting time 终凝时间
    finger joint 指接
    fired common brick 烧结普通砖
    fish eye 白点
    fish-belly beam 角腹式梁
    fissure 裂缝
    flexible connection 柔性连接
    flexural rigidity of section 截面弯曲刚度
    flexural stiffness of member 构件抗弯刚度
    floor plate 楼板
    floor system 楼盖
    four sides(edgessupported plate 四边支承板
    frame structure 框架结构
    frame tube structure 单框筒结构
    frame tube structure 框架-简体结构
    frame with sidesway 有侧移框架
    frame without sidesway 无侧移