
由‘Appreciate Africa Network ’组织的Pride Of Africa Asia Pacific Awards(第八届亚太地区非洲荣誉奖)7月29日在广州举办,赛时代表有幸莅临参加。

The 8th Africa Asia Pacific Pride Awards, organised by 'Appreciate Africa Network', took place in Guangzhou on 29th July.


Appreciate Africa Network ’是推行非洲文化的非盈利组织,活动旨在致力于倡导非洲的事业和成就,涉及27个类别,包括艺术和文化、媒体、时尚、健康、体育和商业。盛典表彰了在非洲商业、艺术、青年发展、传媒等各领域有着杰出贡献与推动的团体与个人

Appreciate Africa Network is a non-profit organisation that promotes African culture,the awards have been dedicated to championing African causes and achievements across 27 categories, including art and culture, media, fashion, health, sports, and business. The ceremony recognised groups and individuals who have made outstanding contributions and contributions in various fields such as business, arts, youth development and media in Africa.

Appreciate Africa Network LOGO,图源于该组织官网


The African continent is a huge and diverse region, and Africans are a group of people with interesting souls, with a strong sense of themselves and African culture, who love to share and express themselves, and whose dance and music genes are engraved in their bones. The award ceremony was energetic and enthusiastic, with guests dancing together to the music, and the atmosphere was climactic.




With the digital development and popularity of internet in Africa, the development of African countries has been breaking through and innovating, the young ones are constantly looking for technologies and methods that can change their lives and environment, and are going global with a unique and strong 'African way'. building a bridge between China and Africa in trade and logistics, helping China and Africa to interconnect and develop together.

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/99541


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