
Comparable to almost all major public holidays in the United States such as Easter, Christmas and Thanksgiving, the holiday of Eid Al Adha has created a boom of consumerism across many different industries within the Muslim world. In order to understand the needs of your target audience, an accurate marketing approach is crucial. Today, CHOICE shares a guide to marketing for Eid al-Adha in the hope that businesses can better understand the culture and achieve growth.


Which regions celebrate Eid al-Adha?

宰牲节是伊斯兰节日,全世界有57个伊斯兰国家,据不完全统计,全球穆斯林大约有16亿人。其中,宰牲节也是多个国家的公共假期,包括中东的阿拉伯联合酋长国、土耳其和约旦,以及东南亚马来西亚印度尼西亚。这个假期对穆斯林来说极为重要,仅在中东就有 3.17 亿客户的潜在市场。甚至在美国的一些欧洲国家和地区,穆斯林员工和家庭也会请假上班或上学来庆祝节日。

Eid Al Adha is a public holiday in several countries including the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Jordan in the Middle East as well as Malaysia and Indonesia in Southeast Asia. This holiday is extremely important for Muslims, with a potential market reach of 317 million customers in the Middle East alone. Even in some European countries and regions in the United States, Muslim employees and families will take the day off from work or school to observe the holiday.

详细的宰牲节来源可以通过【BLESSING】The origin and significance of Eid al Adha这篇文章了解。

Details of the origins of Eid al-Adha can be found in this 【BLESSING】The origin and significance of Eid al Adhaarticle.


What do people do during Eid al-Adha?


For 2022, it is important to know that Eid Al Adha begins on the evening of Saturday, July 9, and ends on the evening of Wednesday, July 13 Each country observes the holiday slightly differently, so make sure to Google the dates for the country/countries you are aiming to reach.


Families will either visit farms themselves, arrange an animal at stores, or even purchase an animal online to sacrifice. The meat from this sacrifice is given away to represent charitable giving. One third of the meat is eaten by the family and their relatives, one third is given away to friends, and the remaining third is donated to the poor.

On Eid Al Adha, Muslims around the world attend their local mosques to universally join in prayer. Dressed in their finest, new celebratory clothes, they spend the rest of the day socializing with family and friends as well as exchanging gifts. Charity is also a big part of the holiday and it is customary to donate a significant sum of money to charity, to be used to help the poor purchase new clothes and food, so they too may join in on the celebrations.



Marketing elements and phrases


Sheep, Crescent and Stars, Mosques and Minarets, Bright Lights/ Lanterns


The crescent moon is the international symbol of Islam, as visible on many Muslim countries’ flags. As the mosque is a place of worship for Muslims, it is a beneficial symbol to make use of in a marketing campaign. Lanterns are a symbol that have become associated with Ramadan celebrations.



Respecting Culture in Your Marketing Messaging

伊斯兰教是一种植根于传统的宗教,在宣传用语上,一定要注意表达。比如,牺牲、给予、分享、帮助、奉献、团聚、热爱家庭、友爱是宰牲节的核心价值观,帮助有需要的人和做慈善是宰牲节重要的文化行为。例如,对于您进行的每笔销售,10% 的收益将捐赠给无家可归者或弱势群体。这不仅消费者更愿意购买和分享,而且是回馈社会的崇高社会行为。

The basic level of respect is necessary throughout all marketing messages, as Islam is a religion that is rooted in tradition.As Eid Al Adha is a holiday which commemorates sacrifice and obedience to the religion, it is very emotionally and spiritually evocative to Muslims. Thus, it carries with it an extra necessity to be respectful and in accordance with customs and beliefs.For example, you could convey a message such as “To celebrate our Muslim friends, we will be donating 5% of our profits to hungry individuals for the next week”. 


另外,也可以使用类似‘宰牲节年轻人的礼物选择’‘Eid Al Adha 礼物灵感’等等这样分享意味的主题。

You could also think abstractly such as publishing an article entitled “Eid Al Adha Inspiration: Recipes you’ll want to cook for your family” and “The Eid Al Adha gift guide for younger relatives”.


Messages to use for your Marketing

“Kul'am wa enta bi-khair。” 意思是“愿每年你都身体健康”

“Eid Mubarak”意为“祝福的开斋节”

“Eid Saeed”意为“开斋节快乐”

“Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum”的意思是“愿真主接受我们和你。”


"Kul 'am wa enta bi-khair." meaning "May every year find you in good health"

"Eid Mubarak" meaning "Blessed Eid”

"Eid Saeed" meaning "Happy Eid"

"Taqabbala Allahu minna wa minkum" meaning "May Allah accept from us, and from you."

"As-Salam-u-Alaikum" meaning "Peace be unto you."


Products that Sell Well during Eid Al Adha

01服装和珠宝/Clothing and Jewelry


Across the Middle East, clothing continues to be a major percentage of Eid spending, with Middle Eastern designers saving many of their best sales during the holiday season. Because many Muslim women wear hijabs and modest clothing, many feel that accessorizing with some jewelry is an additional way to express themselves. Watches are also a popular item among men.



As this is a time for gift giving, electronics are also readily purchased both for adults and for children. The MENA region is a very digitally connected region, and that is reflected in the increase of electronics sold during this period.

03食物和宰牲/烹饪工具/Livestock&Cooking Tools

据悉,在巴基斯坦这个拥有约 2.1 亿人口的国家,每年将有近 1000 万只、价值超过 30 亿美元的牲畜被购买和宰牲。因此全球牲畜贸易量可想而知是巨大的,那么连带的运输拖车和宰杀工具销售量必定也不会少。同样在聚会期间,穆斯林会烹饪精美的点心招待亲戚和朋友,因此相关模具和烹饪工具也会很畅销。

In Pakistan, a country of a population around 210 million people, nearly 10 million animals, worth more than $3 billion are bought and sacrificed annually. You can thus imagine the amount of money that is spent on this part of holiday throughout the whole Muslim world. Your products could potential be useful if you imagine a trailer for humane livestock transport, tools for proper sacrifice, etc. 

04旅行用品/Travel Goods

旅行用品也是宰牲节期间畅销的产品。据迪拜机场运营商称,7 月 2 日是机场最繁忙的一天,日客流量超过 235,000 人次。在宰牲节小长假期间,穆斯林家庭会选择外出旅行庆祝宰牲节。

Travel goods are also a top seller during Eid al-Adha. According to Dubai airport operators, July 2 is expected to be the busiest day at the airport, with daily traffic exceeding 235,000 passengers. During the Eid al-Adha holiday, Muslim families choose to travel to celebrate Eid al-Adha.


The Importance of Digital and Mobile Marketing During Eid Al Adha in 2022


Since Eid Al Adha is a time away from work and an increase in quality time with friends and family, desktop usage decreases, while mobile usage increases. Merchants can share links to Eid al-Adha Day gift guides or discount marketing messages through social media, remembering to add holiday hashtags. Target your audience and distribute ads, such as Facebook or Instagram.

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/94566


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