
1. Actually I believe that we are always looking forward the long-term cooperation, after all we are the original manufacturer, our advantages are always focusing on service and quality, instead of simply low price.寻求长期合作,把目光放长久。 我们的优势在于产品和服务,而不是一味低价。

2. Apart from the wholesale or retail shops, we are specialisting in reliable warranty and customized service, we prefer to give normal price, never offer any terrible service and bad low quality.我们不是零售商,是原装工厂,优势在于保障售后和定制服务,宁愿提供普通的价格,也不提供糟糕的质量和服务。

3. Because our goal and mission are to help you make your businees more successful and more effort, solve the problems.我们的任务是帮助您解决问题,让您的生意获利。

4. For take a positive goodness for both of us, we already offer you our best price, which we cannot gain huge profit but sincerely cooperate. 双赢模式,我们已经提供了诚信合作,且从未牟取巨额盈利的最好价格

5. Our products are of superior quality and favorable prices


6.We guarantee mass production and can meet our clients’ request on delivery date.我们能保证批量生产,并满足客户的交期要求:

After double check, right now the material cost still high,not allow us to meet your target price,but we will keep paying attention on it, once the cost down,I will updated you at once.客户觉得价格贵,已找到其他供应商时的回答:

8.We often find that if we as a company buy cheap,we also buy risk. We wouldn't want to put that risk on you by providing cheaper products that might not be up to the overall job we've been discussing.我们经常发现,如果我们作为一家公司购买便宜的产品,我们也购买了风险。 我们不想通过提供可能无法满足我们一直在讨论的整体工作的更便宜的产品而将风险置于您的身上。

9. 我们非常重视与新/老客户的合作。We attach great importance to cooperation with new/old customers.

10.with us your money in safe ,your business in safe

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/163374


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