Leather Working Group (LWG) is pleased to announce that we are opening a period of nominations for two positions on the LWG Executive Committee for Brand / Retailer representation.
For the Spring election, there will be two Brand/Retailer representative seats becoming available on the EC. The first is open to any Brand/Retailer that is a member of Leather Working Group, while the second is open to a Leathergoods Brand/Retailer member representative.
To be eligible to join the LWG Executive Committee, your company must have been a member for at least three consecutive years, including the current year and a representative of your company must have attended at least three of the last five LWG meetings (including Virtual Meetings).
Once elected, members of the LWG Executive Committee are expected to:
Attend the monthly 2.5-hour virtual meeting.Attend between one and three face-to-face meetings per year in various international locations. Engage in email dialogue or calls with the LWG senior management team and other EC members as needed.
Nominations close 15th February 2024
To find out more and put your company forward for the Leather Working Group Executive Committee, please nominate here.