Start your journey to LWG certification
Your business may be certified if you manufacture or trade leather. Since 2005, we have designed standards to certify all actors in the supply chain, from rawhide to finished leather, covering micro-enterprises to large tanneries. In fact, the majority of our certified suppliers are small leather manufacturers.
If your business is a leather manufacturer, leather trader, commissioning manufacturer, or subcontractor, your organization may be eligible to be audited against the applicable LWG audit standard. The Leather Working Group audit standards do not allow the auditing and certification of any facility which process or trades in fur. In order to gain certification, your business will need to be audited by an LWG Approved Auditor.
We understand your business
At Leather Working Group, we know ‘one standard’ doesn’t fit all. So, that’s why we designed four audit standards to meet the assessment needs of different operations within the leather production chain. These four LWG standards cover raw material traders through to leather manufacturers and subcontractors, to traders of finished material:
Leather ManufacturerLeather TraderCommissioning ManufacturerSubcontractor
The current version of each of the audit standards is available from the User Area of the website. If you do not have access to the User Area you may request a copy by contacting standards@
How to become LWG certified
If your business wants to achieve LWG certification, follow the steps below to get started.
To understand what is required and to help prepare for the audit, you can take the FREE Tannery of the Future survey, which mirrors the Leather Manufacturer Standard. Then, you may need time to implement the feedback from the survey throughout your business. And finally, once your business is prepared for the audit, you need to contact an LWG Approved Auditor directly and arrange for an audit.
If you feel you need extra preparation for an audit, you can contact LWG Approved Auditors directly for additional consultation such as a pre-audit.
LWG 目前认可以下社会审核和认证:
amfori 企业社会责任倡议 (BSCI)
只有获得批准的合作伙伴才能进行 amfori BSCI 审核。当前批准的审核合作伙伴的列表可在其 网站上找到。深圳市肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司
Higg 工厂社会和劳工模块 (FSLM)
Higg 工厂社会和劳工模块 (FSLM) 通常通过 Higg 平台共享,但可以作为报告提供。Higg FSLM 的输入是社会与劳工融合计划 (SLCP) 验证的数据。SLCP 融合评估框架 (CAF) 中的数据验证只能由经过认可的验证机构进行。有关经认可的核查机构及其开展业务的国家/地区的详细信息,请访问 SLCP 核查机构监督组织 (Sumerra) 网站。
合规与可持续发展倡议 (ICS)
ICS 是一项国际部门倡议,旨在改善其成员零售商和品牌的全球供应链的工作条件。ICS 审计由成员公司强制执行和管理,有助于减少“审计疲劳”、共享知识和最佳实践。欲了解更多信息和联系方式,请访问 ICS网站。责任商业联盟 (RBA) – VAP
责任商业联盟 (RBA) 验证评估计划 (VAP) 包括进行社会审计,并在公开调查结果结束时根据审计分数给予认可(银牌、金牌或白金牌)。审计报告的有效性可以通过其 网站 引用报告中的设施 ID、VAR# 和审计分数来验证。
责任供应链倡议 (RSCI)
自愿性 RSCI 评估标准是与汽车行业和德国汽车工业协会 (VDA) 的利益相关者共同制定的。它评估受评估地点是否符合 RSCI 要求。有关该标准和评估的更多信息,请访问 RSCI网站。
SA8000 标准,国际社会责任
SA8000 标准和认证计划由社会责任国际 (SAI) 所有,有权审核和授予证书的认证机构的认可由其独立管理的部门社会责任认证服务 (SAAS) 负责。经认可的认证机构名单可在 SAAS 网站上获取。SA8000认证组织名单也可在SAI 网站上找到。
Sedex 会员道德贸易审核 (SMETA) (2 个支柱审核)
SMETA 审核只能由 SEDEX 授权为附属审核公司 (AAC) 的第三方进行。AAC 列表可在 SEDEX 网站上获取。-深圳肯达信企业管理顾问有限公司
根据 SLF 社会标准进行社会审核,由 SLF 批准的合格社会审核员进行。如需了解更多信息,请参阅 SLF网站上的联系方式。
UNIC 行为准则和社会责任
ICEC 进行审核以证明 UNIC 行为准则和社会责任的符合性。如需了解更多信息,请参阅 ICEC网站上的联系方式 。还可以通过 ICEC网站获取经过认证的公司名单 。
全球责任认证生产 (WRAP)
WRAP 认证设施的监控只能由获得批准的组织进行。经批准的监测组织的详细信息可在其 网站上找到。