1) 60%的硬件
硬件主要体现为四大安保设施:报警系统Motion Alarm、门禁监控Card-access、照明Lighting、视频监控录像系统Camera & CCTV。
2) 40%的程序
需要明确的一点是TAPA FSR认证审核时,是以打分形式进行评估,在60%的硬件系统中,部分作为强制要求是必须做到的,如果强制要求不得分,则总分再高也通不过认证,因此,企业在实施FSR时,是有成本投入的。
3) 员工安防意识很重要
在FSR的不同章节中,多次反复提到了员工安全意识培训(Security Awareness Training),并且要包括应对抢劫措施(Robbery Response Training)。
4) 避免同类案件重复发生
About TAPA
TAPA’s Purpose Cargo crime is one of the biggest supply chain challenges for manufacturers of valuable, high-risk products and their logistics service providers. The threat is no longer only from opportunist criminals. Today, organized crime rings are operating globally and using increasingly sophisticated attacks on vehicles, premises, and personnel to achieve their aims. TAPA is a unique forum that unites global manufacturers, logistics providers, freight carriers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders with the common aim of reducing losses from international supply chains. TAPA’s primary focus is theft prevention through the use of real-time intelligence and the latest preventative measures. TAPA’s Mission TAPA’s mission is to help protect members’ assets by minimizing cargo losses from the supply chain. TAPA achieves this through the development and application of global Security Standards, recognized industry practices, technology, education, benchmarking, regulatory collaboration, and the proactive identification of crime trends and supply chain security threats.
3. TAPA Standards TAPA Security Standards The following global TAPA Security Standards have been created to ensure secure transportation and storage of high-value theft-targeted cargo:
• The Facility Security Requirements (FSR) represents minimum standards specifically for secure warehousing, or in-transit storage, within a supply chain.
• The Trucking Security Requirements (TSR) focuses exclusively on transport by truck and represents minimum standards specifically for transporting products via road within a supply chain.
• Cyber Security Standards (CSS) represent a minimum standards and a baseline for cyber security within a supply chain. TAPA global Security Standards are reviewed and revised as needed every three years. This document addresses the CSS requirements only.
• The certification process for TAPA CSS is documented in the TAPA CSS document. Implementation Successful implementation of the TAPA Security Standards is dependent upon LSPs (Logistics Service Providers)/Applicants, Buyers (owners of the cargo), and TAPA Authorized Auditors working together