
无刷电子辅助水泵 技术参数与性能特点 工作电压:9~15??V 电流:0.8??A 转速:3390??r/m 水压:18.6??kpa 流量:250??l/h 耐温:-40℃~+150℃ 1、核心部件采用高性能的稀土永磁材料,寿命超长,无需保养,体积小效率高,功耗低。 2、水泵采用无刷式设计,转子的轴心为高性能钢轴,精度高,耐磨性好, 轴套与钢轴的精密配合,平衡度高,噪音低于35分贝,几乎达到静音效果。 3、高集成的智能模块控制技术,具有叶轮转子卡死保护,反接保护,过载保护,过流保护,软启动,无冲击,启动功耗小。 4、可按客户要求定制设计。 适用车型 : 大众系多为带t(涡轮增压)车型, 如高尔夫、斯柯达明锐、昊锐、 迈腾、速腾、朗逸、途安、尚酷、CC、奥迪A1等的1.4tsi、1.8tsi、2.0tsi。 车型详细列表如下 正试制或后续的辅助水泵:奔驰系列、奥迪Q7、大众途锐等, 也可按要求订制 。 QQ:1799466322
2013-05-18 292阅读
Turbocharged brushless electronic auxiliary water pump
Brushless electronic auxiliary water pump
Technical parameters and performance characteristics

Operating voltage: 9~15V
Current: 0.8A
Speed: 3390r/m
Water pressure: 18.6kpa
Flow rate: 250l/h
Temperature resistance: -40℃~+150℃

1. The core components adopt high-performance rare earth permanent magnet materials with ultra-long service life, no maintenance required, small size, high efficiency, and low power consumption.
2. The water pump adopts a brushless design, and the axis of the rotor is a high-performance steel shaft with high precision and good wear resistance. The precise fit between the shaft sleeve and the steel shaft, high balance, and the noise is less than 35 decibels, almost reaching silent effect.
3. Highly integrated intelligent module control technology, with impeller rotor lock protection, reverse protection, overload protection, overcurrent protection, soft start, no impact, and low starting power consumption.
4. Customizable design according to customer requirements.

Applicable models: Volkswagen series are mostly models with t (turbocharged), such as Golf, Skoda Octavia, Hao Rui, Magotan, Sagitar, Langyi, Touran, Shangku, CC, Audi A1, etc., 1.4 TSI, 1.8 TSI, 2.0 TSI.

The detailed list of applicable models is as follows:
Auxiliary water pump for current trial or subsequent production: Mercedes-Benz series, Audi Q7, Volkswagen Touareg, etc., can also be customized according to requirements.