我们在工作当中,经常会遇到客户回复:“Your price is too high", "Your price is the double of our current suppliers'", "Your price is too expensive, is it your best price"等等,小伙伴们会怎么回复呢?(先思考一下,再看下面我的回复(#^.^#))。
针对这个问题,我往往会先问自己,真的是我的价格太高了吗?如果不是,客户为什么会这样说?是不是客户不靠谱,看到价格就砍,无论价格多好?对于客户到底靠不靠谱,我不多做解释,因为无论客户基于什么原因,他们有回复就好,至少他似乎有点感兴趣,我一般会这样回复: Dear customer, thanks for your reply and information. May I know why do you think our price is too high? Anyone quoted you a lower price? As you know, many products in market have the similar appearance but with different specification and quality, we use XXX material which are in grade A, can make the product with good touch and work longer, our warranty time is 1 year, we can provide the free replacements if the prouct has any quality problem during the warranty time. How about tesing our sample firstly? And if possible, could you pls share us more details(clear photos, speacification) of the cheaper one? Maybe we can give you a more cheaper price.