I want make sure the blade is 24 in across and the hole in the middle need to change to 11 3/4 inches??with the ring in the middle 2 inches,??half way one inch past the bottom and one inch above the top. with slots all the way around the top so the water can drain out as seen in the picture. ( IF YOU CAN )??Also your drawing in the middle of the disc hole??needs to be NOW??1 /1/2 inch notch across not .25??and 5/16 deep not 1.1??and moved to the left evenly with the side of the handle hole. not lined up in the middle.??The handle holes are 4 inches by 1 1/4 inches and 3/4 inches from the top. straight across is fine with no curvature.
blade 就是 disc blade??译为圆盘就可以
谢谢了。最好能画个草图之类的 更感谢了