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chinese culture goes back to ancient times. but, for quite a long period, only a small part of this treasury is opened to the world. to help the culture become understandable and appealing to the peoples of most countries, thus brilliant inheritance should be carried on with creativity and enthusiasm. as a channel of cultural propagation, tourism activity actualizes the movement of tourists through the economic operation of the industry. this movement bears two properties. first, it does not constrain from the social system and cultural level of the trelers. second, it is conducted across different regions and countries. this extensive trans-area movement contributes greatly to the frequent contacts and communications b广告een different societies, economies and cultures, for on one hand, the visitor’s cultural model is observed and adopted by the people of the destination regions and countries, and on the other hand, the visitors also directly observe the destination’s historical sites of cultural interests, traditional customs and conventions and present cultural life of the native people. from the explanation and commentary by the tour guides, the visitors acquire their personal??experience and perception and, furthermore,??adopt the cultural merits of the destination people. in nature, such an in-the-tour humanity movement and the mutual influences on the peoples from different cultural backgrounds is a phenomenon of culture propagation and communication. foreign cultural propagation is different from that b广告een different areas within the same cultural model. under the latter circumstance, successively inherited cultural traditions of the same ethnic group make factors of cultural assimilation produce effect more powerfully than those of cultural conflicts although the cultural propagation within an ethnic group triggers conflicts also. but the foreign cultural propagation works in a quite different way. different life styles and norms of behior, and different cultural values and psychological patterns produce more non-affinitive factors than affinitive factors. therefore, it is necessary to shorten the cultural mental disparity which derives from the special properties of two different cultures. as an achievement, the two cultures become understandable and respectable international??to each other and learn from each other to make up deficiencies respectively. china’s tourism industry attracts great numbers of foreign trelers to the country, which offers convenience for the visitors to learn about and take close looks at china and the chinese culture in a more direct and imaginative way. consciously or not, china’s tour guides are spreading their country’ s national culture to the outside world.? ?? ?? ???attracting foreign visitors to promote the excellent culture of one’s own nation is not a unique creation of china. it is a commonly adopted strategy by a large number of countries. in europe it is??a common sight that experts, professors, doctors and scholars take part-time jobs as tour guides.??such a usual practice not only upgrades a nation’s culture propagation, but also improves the publicity’s effect. a large majority of countries in the world attach great importance to the social effects of the culture spreading by tourism practitioners, which is highly valued as an important strategy to improve the overall strength of a country.
2014-05-25 1055阅读


  • Leondong
  • Cherry.Mao
  • 中航物流JASAN
  • 中航物流JASAN
  • 中航物流JASAN
  • 中航物流JASAN
  • 中航物流JASAN