
荷兰营销专家对广东外贸经济的预测 guangdong’s economic future guangzhou - recently, mr. rogier e.a. de jong b.ec. mba, ceo of new thoughts, explained his vision on guangdong’s economic future in front of an audience of representatives of leading chinese enterprises. according to mr. de jong many of the manufacturing companies in guangdong will he to step up the coming decade: “they must add more value to their products by improving quality, increasing the level of technologies used, finding new (foreign and domestic) markets and building brand-equity.” “the present form of export focused manufacturing alone is not going to last”, he said. the 70% wage increase by foxconn after a spate of suicides among workers is not a one time incident, he argued: “manufacturing wages across china he increased by 14 percent over the past year, making the prospect of producing goods in nearby southeast asian countries such as vietnam, bangladesh or sri lanka and even africa seem iable alternative”. mr. de jong believes that the current labor cost pressure will be a catalyst for change in china. “the labor cost pressure stimulates upgrading: pushing the manufacturing industries into the direction of higher value-added activities.” “and that’s also what the government wants”, according to mr. de jong. asked for his opinion as a marketer on the phase-out of the so-called “china top brand”, as reported recently by the beijing times, mr. de jong stated: “a title conferred by the general administration of quality supervision and quarantine (gaqsiq) or any other governmental organization has limited value overseas”. “i look at the phase-out mentioned in the beijing times as a sign that brand-awareness is maturing in china; i expect that in future policies brand-equity will be stimulated more related to the appreciation of customers / consumers.”. new thoughts new thoughts is an international marketing consultancy that helps chinese small– and medium-sized enterprises cultivate brand-name products / services in china and abroad. the head office of new thoughts is located in tianhe cbd, guangzhou. the marketing expertise of new thoughts ranges from strategy & planning via international sales and – customer service to internet. next to her core-services new thoughts also provides training for chinese professionals. mr. de jong mr. de jong has many years of extensive world-wide marketing experience and works from the marketing proverb “narrow your focus and dominate your markets”. he is confident that chinese brands will conquer the world the next decade and is proud to be one of the “marketing mercenaries” that will facilitate this development. 广东经济未来发展趋势 广州 -- 近日,广州新思维商务有限公司的首席执行官rogier e.a. de jong先生为中国企业的管理者们了一个有关于广东经济未来发展趋势的报告。 de jong先生认为,广东地区很多业企业将不得不在未来十年间加快企业发展,“这些企业必须通过提高产品质量、提高产品科技含量、探寻国内新市场及构建产品品牌价值来提高产品附加值。”“现在以为核心的单一出口模式已经不能够跟上国际市场的变化。” 富士康经过多起跳楼事件后给员工加薪70%,这并不是一个一次性的偶然事件。rogier e.a. de jong先生认为:“在过去的一年里,中国企业工人的工资平均增长14%,这使得周边从事生产的东南亚国家,例如越南、孟加拉、斯里兰卡,甚至非洲国家成为替代中国更好的选择。” rogier e.a. de jong先生认为当今中国劳动力支出压力将会成为中国经济发展的催化剂。“劳动力支出压力会促进中国的产业升级:推动中国产业在高产品附加值的道路上前进。”“这也是中国政府的期待”,rogier e.a. de jong先生补充道。 当被问及到有关中国政府逐渐淘汰国家名牌产品商标这一热点话题是,rogier e.a. de jong先生作为一位资深营销专家是这样回应的:“这一由国家质量监督管理总局及其他任何政府组织授权的商标限制了产品在外国的价值。”“我在北京时报上看到了有关报道。淘汰国家名牌产品商标这一法是中国品牌意识成熟的标志。我希望中国政府以顾客及消费者为本来增加企业产品资产。” 新思维 新思维是一家国际营销机构,帮助中国中小型企业在中国及海外市场发展品牌产品及服务。新思维商务有限公司的总部位于中国广东省广州市天河区财富广场。新思维的营销专业领域涉及到战略企划、国际销、国际客服及网络营销。除主要服务项目外,新思维还向中国营销职业人士培训服务。 de jong先生 de jong先生,新思维首席执行官,拥有多年的国际营销经验。他的营销格言是:缩小你的目标,主宰你的市场(“narrow your focus and dominate your markets”)。他坚信,中国的品牌将会主宰世界并且会因这样一位能加快这一天到来的“营销外援”而感到骄傲。
2014-04-14 429阅读
awareness and improve their marketing strategies. The company offers services in brand management, market research, and digital marketing. According to Mr. de Jong, the future of Guangdong's economy lies in companies focusing on building their brand and adding more value to their products. This will require improving quality, using advanced technologies, seeking out new markets, and building brand equity. The current trend of wage increases in China, especially in manufacturing, will also push companies towards higher value-added activities. Overall, he sees these changes as positive steps towards a more mature brand-awareness economy in China.
  • Mr.Wan