
信??条 ☆ 我们的服务宗旨,是令公司成为一个让宾客拥有优质产品之外,能获得体贴关怀和舒适款待的地方。 ☆ 我们保证为客人最完善的产品、个人服务及环境设施,让客人身处一个温馨、舒适而又优美愉悦的环境。 ☆ 我们服务经验除可令客户身心舒畅,甚至可满足客人内心的需求与愿望。 优质服务的四个步骤 Four steps of quality service 1)迎出门:真挚热情的出门迎接,向客户打招呼、致意,尽可能尊称客户的名字。 2)送感动:放下手中的事务,陪同客户到停车场,欢欣的道别和送客。 3)问清楚:以客户为先,充分了解客户的真正需求,等客户说完后再讲述自己的意见。 4)追到底:预见客户所需,好充分的准备,遵从客人的意愿并竭尽全力解决。
2013-12-12 1085阅读

Mission Statement
Our service mission is to become a place where guests not only have access to quality products but also experience considerate care and comfortable hospitality.

We guarantee the most comprehensive products, personal service, and environmental facilities to create a warm, comfortable, and beautiful environment for our guests.

Our service experience not only brings physical and mental relaxation to customers but also satisfies their inner needs and desires.

Four Steps of Quality Service
1) Greet at the door: Greet customers warmly at the door, welcome them, and address them by their names as much as possible.
2) Move with emotion: Set aside tasks and accompany guests to the parking lot, say farewell and see them off with joy.
3) Understand well: Put the customer first, fully understand their real needs, and listen to their opinions before expressing your own.
4) Follow through: Anticipate the customer's needs, be fully prepared, follow the customer's wishes, and do everything possible to solve their problems.
  • Randong.Li
    Article letter
    Being is our service aim, it is to make the company become a let guests with high quality products, can obtain comfortable care and hospitality.
    Do we guarantee to provide the most perfect products and personal service for the guest and environmental facilities, let a guest in a warm and beautiful, comfortable and pleasant environment.
    Experience in addition to our service to the customers' mind and body being refreshed, and even can meet the needs of guests inside and desire.