
酸性蚀刻自动添加控制器 Auto dosing system for acid etcher 酸性蚀刻自动加药系统药水添加过程: 药水添加过程: 1、加药泵分别将氧化剂及盐酸从贮药缸打到相应的加药筒; 2、主机发出加药信号,打加药筒下端出口的电磁阀; 3、药水流入蚀刻机药水缸,该次加药过程完成。纯水添加过程:当比重高于设定值时,控制器发出信号,打电磁阀,纯水注入蚀刻机药水缸,比重下降,电磁阀关闭。 酸性蚀刻自动加药系统纯水添加过程: 当比重高于设定值时,控制器发出信号,打电磁阀,纯水注入蚀刻机药水缸,比重下降,电磁阀关闭。 原理:蚀刻泵打到喷淋摆动架喷管中,且一个支管打到PH取样槽通过感应头测试PH值 PH一般控制在5.6左右,如果低于设定值定量泵起动,设定好流量,根据浓度 定量加HCL和氧化剂(H2O2或氯酸钠),直至感应头感应到设定的浓度,定量泵停 止工作。比重计控制添加纯水,添加箱液位的高低有液位感应器控制。
2013-10-22 281阅读
Automatic dosing system for acid etcher:

The process of adding solution:
1. The dosing pump delivers the oxidant and hydrochloric acid from the storage tank to the corresponding dosing cylinder.
2. The host sends a signal to activate the solenoid valve at the lower outlet of the dosing cylinder.
3. The solution flows into the acid etcher solution tank, and the dosing process is complete.

Process of adding pure water:
When the specific gravity is higher than the set value, the controller sends a signal to activate the solenoid valve. Pure water is injected into the acid etcher solution tank and the specific gravity decreases, and then the solenoid valve closes.

The principle is that the etching pump is delivered to the spray swing frame nozzle, and one branch pipe is delivered to the pH sampling tank to test the pH value through the sensor head. The pH is generally controlled at around 5.6. If it is lower than the set value, the quantitative pump starts, setting the flow rate and adding HCL and oxidant (H2O2 or sodium chlorate) according to the concentration, until the sensor head senses the set concentration and the quantitative pump stops working. The densitometer controls the addition of pure water, and the level of the addition box is controlled by the liquid level sensor.