
在水泥工业中,石灰石原料通常采用两级破碎,破碎产品粒度一般在20mm左右。为了提高生料磨的产量,降低生料磨的电耗,最简单有效的方法就是增加第三级破碎,使破碎产品的粒度降低为8mm左右。然而,在具体技改实践中遇到了工艺流程复杂、工艺布置困难、“战线”拉德太长等诸多问题,并且,用于第三极破碎也需要配备较大功率的电动机,而使系统节电的效果大打折扣! 仍以水泥工业为例:众所周知,石膏作为水泥调凝剂不可或缺。市购的二水石膏(或硬石膏)的粒度一般在300~500mm,其需要量通常为水泥总量的5%左右,单独为其设置两级破碎系统,对中小型水泥厂来说显然是不经济的,大多采用人工锤击粗碎后再进行细碎的法,增加了人工的劳动强度。另外,某些混合物材料同样存在上述问题。
2013-09-12 251阅读
In the cement industry, limestone raw materials are usually crushed in two stages, and the crushed product has a particle size of about 20mm. In order to increase the output of the raw material mill and reduce its power consumption, the simplest and most effective method is to add a third crushing stage to reduce the particle size of the crushed product to about 8mm. However, in specific technical transformation practices, many problems such as complex process flows, difficult process layouts, and excessively long production lines have been encountered. Also, using large power electric motors for the third crushing stage significantly reduces energy-saving effects of the system.

Taking the cement industry as an example, gypsum is indispensable as a cement setting agent. The particle size of commercially purchased dihydrate gypsum (or hard gypsum) is generally 300~500mm, and the required amount is usually about 5% of the total amount of cement produced. It is uneconomical for medium and small-sized cement plants to use a two-stage crushing system specifically for gypsum. Instead, a labor-intensive way of coarse crushing using manual hammers and then fine crushing is often adopted. Additionally, the same problems can arise with certain mixed materials.