有人过玻利维亚的客人吗?用私帐能款不?那给客人的抬头用虚拟公司 然后账户用私帐 出货的时候再用的抬头出 不知道到时会不会影响客人清关?
这个国家有没像巴西那样 必须汇款时候的和清关时候一致?因为我看到客人的邮件觉得不放心
thank you for your mail, ok.no no problem if they do not manufacture the items that we asked yersterday, prepare documentation,
with the bank, talk to you about our company is called "xxx" but the merchandise must be sent to my name
the address you send it, my personal certificate of registration to the national register of taxpayers, the nit is the number
tax id. name or company name is: xxx1(另外一个公司名,与上面的不同).
the merchandise must be sent with the order of name name, number and address nit, detailed in the previous
cuaquier hacemela doubt know.
james will be comieso of future purchases of merchandise is ailable to you.
现在就是准备给客人发个 请高手帮忙解答 谢谢[收起]