客户下的单子有11万多美金,不过那边海关要求貌似要产品上有made in china标志。客户说,不单是在纸箱上印made in china,还要在产品本身有made in china, 雕刻,喷印或者铭牌,反正就是不可移除的标签,下面是客户的原话:
the saudi customs authority has given strict directives that the country of origin / (made in china) must be mentioned or print strongly (engred or affixed – non-removable or use metal plate) on each item.
note: we must need you to print strongly made in china on every bigger items by using metal plate or direct print.
if any shipment arrives without country of origin / made in china, then the custom authority will not allow any more affixing the country of origin on the items and such cargo shall be re exported / returned to its origin port at shipper’s or consignee’s cost