Many traders have been hesitant to develop the African market, but they are in the wait-and-see stage. ChoiceAir thinks most of the reasons are the unknown of the African market. Today, we will analyze the best-selling products in Africa in the past two years and talk about the latest situation of the African market in 2022.

From the traditional foreign trade analysis, 'immediate' products are still the main imported goods in Africa, such as medical/food/household/textile/wig goods that are widely known to everyone. However, it is worth noting that with the development of China-Africa Belt and Road Initiative, China-Africa cooperation projects have been launched one by one, driving the demand of African countries for lighting, photovoltaic products, safety and protection products.
Most African countries are located at low latitudes, with long sunshine hours, and have great solar energy resources. In recent years, many African governments have vigorously pursued energy transition policies, such as the Moroccan government's proposal to require 20% of energy supply to be converted to solar energy.

Therefore, photovoltaic and solar products have great potential for the African market, especially small-scale photovoltaic power panels. According to the study "Africa's Solar Potential", the top ten most attractive countries in all of Africa are: South Africa, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Mozambique, Eritrea, Kenya and Zambia.

'Light Up Africa' is one of the thematic projects promoted in Africa, a continent with a population of more than 1.2 billion people and about 50% of the world's population lacking electricity coverage, with nearly 70% of the world's population lacking electricity located in Africa. Electricity is expensive in rural areas, and some villages are not even connected to the national grid.
In recent years, Africa has been committed to the development of sustainable lighting solutions, basic lighting and municipal lighting demand is rising year by year. 2021 exports to the African market LED lighting products totaled $1.74 billion, an increase of 28.7%, South Africa and Nigeria is currently the largest market share, the two most promising African lighting markets.

In Africa, the political situation in most countries is still in an unstable stage, resulting in a serious social security situation. Group incidents, riots and other social problems are common. Coupled with the weak local security enterprises in Africa, so security products mainly rely on imports, which are mainly video surveillance, access control and burglar alarm-related products.

从线上网购看,根据全球移动通信系统协会(GSMA)旗下媒体Mobile World Live发布的一份白皮书显示,在非洲,时尚类订单量占比21%占比第一;泛美妆类产品以15%位居第二;第三是家具类产品,占比12%;紧随其后的则是数字服务(12%)、快速消费品(10%)、电话(8%)及电子产品(7%)。
In terms of online shopping, according to a white paper published by Mobile World Live, a media company of the Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA), in Africa, fashion accounts for 21% of orders in first place; pan-beauty products are in second place with 15%; furniture products are in third place with 12%; followed by digital services (12%), FMCG (10%), telephony (8%) and electronics (7%).
Which regions in Africa have the most developed e-commerce? Overall, the level of e-commerce development is closely related to a country's level of economic development and population size. Excluding individual developed economies, the countries leading the scale of e-commerce in Africa are Nigeria, Egypt, Kenya, Ghana, Uganda and other countries with stable economic development, large population size and high potential.

CHOICEAIR, as a logistics service provider focusing on Africa and Middle East for 25 years, provides professional and safe freight services for international trade between China and Africa. We are committed to escorting the partners in the African 'gold field'.