A: We're considering of ordering 200 computers, but I'm wondering about the price you'll possibly offer.

A: 我们正考虑订购200台电脑,但不知贵方会出什么价?

B: Our price will be not less than $ 5000.

B: 5000美元一台大概是我们能出的最低价格。

A: Your price is higher than I expected. Could you give us a little discount?

A: 价格比我想象中要高。能给我们打点折吗?

B: This is already our best price.

B: 这已经是我们最优惠的价格了。

A: But the price is always negotiable, and you should consider our quantity of order.

A: 可是价格总是可以商量的嘛,而且你们应该要考虑我们的订货量。

B: Well, what would you suggest?

B: 好吧,那你们觉得什么价格合适呢?

A: Could you make it $ 4500?

A: 能否把价格订在每台4500美元?

B: I'm afraid that there is no room to negotiable the price. This is the best price we can quote.

B: 恐怕价格上已经没有商量的余地了,这是我们最合理的报价。

A: Can we meet each other half way?

A: 我们能折中一下吗?

B: What do you mean?

B: 什么意思?

A: Let's close the deal at $ 4800, OK?

A: 让我们每台4800美元敲定这桩生意,好吗?

B: You drive a hard bargain! OK, that's a deal.

B: 你真会讨价还价。好吧,就这么定了。

close the deal 完成交易,达成协议。
例句:Can we close the deal at this price? 我们就用这个价格来完成这笔买卖吧?
相关表达:make a deal 做一笔交易
例句:This big country has swallowed her pride in order to make a deal. 这个大国放下架子以求做成一笔交易。
Deal! 一言为定!

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/31327


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