RBA认证报告要求its worker voice platform

RBA Voices

The RBA Worker Voice Platform includes worker surveys, on-site assessment support, mobile learning, and feedback and grievance reporting.

The RBA developed its worker voice platform, "RBA Voices," to help members and their suppliers improve conditions in their international supply chains by giving workers more ways to provide feedback and learn important professional and personal skills while providing companies with greater visibility into facilities.

Worker feedback is a crucial component of supply chain due diligence and companies are increasingly looking for new ways to ensure those voices are heard, unfettered and without fear of retaliation. The RBA is at the forefront of innovation when it comes to helping companies conduct due diligence, risk assessments, and corrective actions to improve conditions in their supply chains. This platform further enhances those capabilities and enable workers to play a greater role in those efforts.

The worker voice platform features a worker survey tool, on-site assessment support, a mobile learning app, and a feedback and grievance reporting mechanism. The mobile learning app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play. RBA members also have access to a custom management portal. 

Features of the RBA Worker Voice Platform include:

Worker Survey Tool – Easily deploys surveys to thousands of workers across multiple suppliers and/or facilities. RBA members can use the management portal to quickly deploy standard or customized surveys and analyze results.On-Site Support – Allows for worker interviews to be performed discreetly, without supervisor oversight, and enables workers to report retaliation against assessment participants.Mobile Learning App – More than 400 courses in multiple languages are available. These gamified courses are intuitive and increase workers’ knowledge on a range of subjects that can improve health and safety, career development and personal growth. RBA members can view metrics on use of the learning app via the management portal.Feedback and Grievance Reporting – Provides a simple reporting method for workers via QR codes, mobile phones, or website.

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/173775



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