Extended Producer Responsibility in France
Governments are increasingly legislating to improve circularity of material use in textile supply chains. France’s Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program is one such example. Not only does it require producers[1] to pay for the recycling and disposal of textile products at the end of their lives, it recognises and rewards producers who bring sustainably manufactured articles, such as bluesign certified products, to market. Producers are defined as
■ Manufacturers of products subject to EPR requirements that sell domestically or
■ Importers of products subject to EPR requirements or
■ Companies selling products subject to EPR requirements under own brand/name.
By law, textiles are subject to the EPR since January 1, 2007. It covers textile products, household linen and footwear sold in France. EPR also applies to numerous other economic sectors (electrical and electronic equipment, paper, packaging, lightbulbs, batteries, etc.).
The law obliges producers to provide for or contribute towards the management of waste for articles placed on the market for consumers.
To provide an individual waste collection and treatment system for sold products is for most companies a rather complex task as very specific requirements from the accrediting ministry need to be met.
An alternative solution is to transfer the responsibility to an organisation specifically dedicated to this mission (and which is already accredited by the public authorities) by financially contributing. In France, this can be done by registering with the eco-organisation Eco TLC / Refashion. Following link can be used for registration:
Producers and distributors of textile and footwear articles can register as a ‘Marketer’. Refashion will charge a per piece fee to finance a waste collection, recycling and disposal system. Companies registered at Refashion are released of their legal E.P.R obligation. The applicable fees can be retrieved under
Bluesign由瑞士蓝色标志科技公司推动的蓝色标志标准(Bluesign Standard)认证是极为严格的纺织品环保zhuan标准认证。bluesign是一个由学术界、工业界、环境保护及消费者组织代表共同订定的新世代生态环保规范,由蓝色标志科技公司于2000年10月17日在德国汉诺威(Hanover)公诸于世。由这个公司所授权商标的纺织品牌及产品,代表着其制程与产品都符合生态环保、健康、安全(Environment、Health、Safety;EHS)是全球最新的环保规范标准与让消费者使用安全的保障。