Bluesign蓝色标志认证,有吊牌,可凸现产品的附加价值,最大认证效益就是保证取得該项认证的企业所生产的纺织品,完全不含有害、有毒物质及重金属成分。The bluesign® SYSTEM BLACK LIMITS (BSBL) specify threshold limits for chemical substances in finished chemical products, such as auxiliaries or dyes. The compilation of substances in the BSBL is an extract of the bluesign® TOOL. It includes all substances from the publicly available bluesign® system substances list (BSSL), consumer safety limits in which the consumer safety limits for usage bans are defined. BSBL is revised at least once a year.bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERSHIP
务包专为真正了解减少环境影响力量的品牌而设计。凭借有意义的数据和全面的目标,bluesign® SYSTEM PARTNERS 可以使用所有工具、分析和专家支持来设想并实现有意义的影响减少。SYSTEM PARTNERS 可以使用 bluesign® 商标向供应商、供应链合作伙伴和消费者传达对可持续发展的承诺。
蓝标 限制物质清单 是《纺织品安全条例》的摘要,其中载有消费者安全限制,以及建议对纺织品/皮革制品和配件中最重要和受法律限制的物质进行测试的方法。品牌和零售商可将此RSL作为采购条款和条件的导向,并与测试矩阵一起作为适当测试物品(如纺织品)的指南
The bluesign® SYSTEM SUBSTANCES LIST (BSSL), (consumer safety limits) specifies consumer safety limits for chemical substances in articles. Due to the quantity and range of listed substances, BSSL must not be used for confirmation declarations sent out to the supply chain. The combined use of input stream management, a network of SYSTEM PARTNERS that includes chemical suppliers, and a positive list of preferred chemicals ( available through bluesign® FINDER) ensures compliance with BSSL limits. BSSL is revised at least once a year.