
How is leather made?

Leather making is generally referred to as tanning, but actually has five key operations:


Hides and skins that are a waste by-product from the food industry account for 99% of the worlds leather. In a circular economy, transforming this waste into a versatile everyday material is the most responsible thing to do.

What is Vegan Leather?

Vegan leather (sic) does not exist. It is a marketing term and any material that is not of animal origin can be labelled as ‘vegan’.

It is important to realise that the ‘vegan’ tag does not necessarily mean ‘natural’, ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’, nor does it necessarily provide the same wear and durability qualities as real leather.

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What is Chrome tanned leather?

About 75% of leather made today is chrome tanned. The process uses trivalent chromium (Cr III), which is a safe substance that also represents an essential part of our diet with many people taking daily supplements that contain it.

Best practices of chrome tanning use half the chemicals required by other methods and produces effluent content below legal requirements. Chrome tanning produces consistent leathers that can be used or worn year after year without any loss of properties.


今天制造的大约 75% 的皮革是铬鞣的。该工艺使用三价铬 (Cr III),这是一种安全的物质,也是我们饮食中不可或缺的一部分,许多人每天服用含有它的补充剂。


原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/130134


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