In foreign trade, it’s very common to get rejected. More or less, foreign traders know that customers are generally unwilling to disclose any information for their refusal and even the utterances they reject are excuses. Then, we can only make analysis on the details according to our conversation with customers in order to find out the authentic reason why customers reject us.
Unspoken words customers left after their refusal
The price is too high
It may be considered as the universal word for customers to reject us. Foreign trades usually confront with this annoying excuse. Generally, we supposed that customers were really trying to force prices down. But after we reduced the price, customers were indifferent and remained silent and the expected orders didn’t come neither. Why? What on earth customers intend to do? Actually, it often includes several other connotations:
I am not in need of this product for this moment.
The price has exceeded my budget so I have no intentions to take it into consideration for the time being.
I have found other suppliers with more reasonable prices and I’m attracted.
You haven’t persuade me and I have no confidence in you and your company.
I am not sure if your products are worth the prices.
Provided that customers don’t need the products for the time being, we have no choices but put it in the future. Supposing that our prices exceed customers’ budget, we can ask customers about it to make sure whether we can continue the cooperation. If some of our competitors appear, we have got to know firstly who our competitors are and then highlight our advantages and make our competitors’ advantages less remarkable to satisfy customers.
We can understand customers’ distrust. After all, customer scruples more or less so it’s high time for us to show ourselves.
No need for the products
有时候,客户已经和我们谈好了几近一切内容,客户却突然告知我们不需要这个产品了。这的确非常令人沮丧,但并不意味着你就要和客户说bye bye,而是应当了解客户的潜台词:
Sometimes, customers have come to terms on almost every aspect with us while they inform us that they don’t need the products any more. Indeed, it’s frustrating while that doesn’t mean that we need to say goodbye to customers but to know about customers’ unspoken words.
I have found a supplier after my heart.
How disappointing your products and the services you provide are.
We don’t need this product for the time being due to the change of procurement plan.
After knowing customers’ real thoughts, we need to suit the remedy to the case. If customers have found other suppliers, we can basically give it up and search for the next one. For the next cooperation, we need to know customers’ demand and ask what products they purchase at what costs. And we can have a simple comparison between our products with others. If our products and services are unsatisfying, we are supposed to have self-examination and try to leave customers a good impression. If customers change their procurement plan, we should not be impatient and complain customers' failure to keep faith but act magnanimous so as to make a profound impression.
Comply with customers’ refusal
It’s not terrible to get refused. The moment we accept customers’ refusal, both customers and us have chances to take a break. We’ll only oppress customers if you are die-hard.
Respond customers with refusal
如果客户拒绝,那么,“那真的很遗憾,我们已经报出最低价格,再低我们做不了了。”; “很抱歉,我们已经尽力了,如果您真的不需要,我们也无能为力。” 勇敢地拒绝客户后,客户却反而主动过来说要下订单。原因很简单,客户只不过是试图套出我们的底价。
Sometimes, customers don't really want to reject us but just want our compromise to have a lower price. If customer refuses, then we can say: "So sorry for that. We have quoted the lowest price. We can't make it a lower price."; "Sorry, we we have tried our best. If you really don't need it, we can do nothing for that." After you refuse customer bravely and customer says he wants an order, then the reason is simple that he just wants to get your bottom price.
Respond customers with tolerance
Customers always have hundreds of excuses to reject us. Despite what excuses customers utilize or the authenticity, we are supposed to respect customers’ choices without contradiction and complaints. All we have to do is to fulfil our own work so as to provide the best services we can do. Perhaps, we don’t have orders from customers in the end but we can certainly leave customers a good impression.