

感觉都没有什么效果.  邮件看是看了 ,但是一到寄样报价后就没有回复了. 




01 第一次发送邮件的新客户不回复

1. 是否检查过自己的邮件标题或者主题行中含有敏感词

2. 你所联系到的邮件联系人,不是关键人,无法帮你传达信息

3. 邮件中的附件过大,直接进入垃圾箱基本上针对上述的几个问题,一般对于新手来说可能会比较常见。

如果自己不知道怎么去排查敏感词或者没有把握自己能找到目标公司的关键人邮箱,可以试试麦穗获客,内置许可式邮件营销,使用亚马逊 、阿里云、sendgrid等高信誉邮件服务器,使对象邮箱INBOX到达率90%以上,同时拥有了亚马逊等官方敏感词库,会自动帮助你检验敏感词,一劳永逸的解决这些问题。

02 已经邮件沟通过的老客户不回复

1. 你的邮件发送时间不在他们目前采购考虑时间内

2. 款项安排时间周期长,尤其是对于一些机械产品的,可能需要多方去沟通

3. 目前只是在询问价格以作对比,并没有确定下来





对于已经寄送了样品后,但是没有回复的,可以通过以下这些常规的方法去跟进几次。(1)Trust you have received our samples. Please let us have your feedback so we can proceed. 相信您已经收到样板了,请告知反馈这样我们才可继续进展。

(2)If you are satisfied with our samples, I believe we can move to further cooperation. For the delivery time, would you please advise your schedule? Pls try to confirm the order earlier so we can arrange everything for mass production.如果您对我们的样品满意,我相信我们可以进一步合作。关于交货时间,请告知您的时间表好吗?请尽量早点确认订单,这样我们就可以安排一切大批量生产了。

(3)We guess that you should have received the sample sent by xx, and we trust that you will agree with the quality.If you are worried about the business in your market, we can accept a small order to help you with your market test. 我想您已经收到我们的样品了,质量也应该没有问题。如果您对产品在你们市场还是有顾虑的话,我们可以接受小批量订单用来在你们市场先测试。


(1)The quality and price of our products are the highest in the industry. If your quantity demand is large enough, we will submit a more favorable price. Welcome to email at any time. 我们产品的质量和价格都行业性价比最高的,如您的数量需求足够大,我们会报以更优惠的价格,欢迎随时回邮咨询!

(2)Have you given any additional thought to my proposal?I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any and all questions you may have. 您对我的方案是否有其他的想法呢?我很乐意通过电话对其进行快速审核,并回答您可能遇到的所有问题。

(3)Since I haven't heard back from you. I have to assume there might be some issues on our business relationship. Please let me know if I can be of any help.因为一直没收到你回复,我猜想我们合作上应该出现一些问题。能否告知下,我才能改进。


(1)利用有效期的节点去跟进We are in receipt of your inquiry dated on xxx and quote you as follow: XXXXXXX . pls kindly check whether price is workable ? Becasue price will be invalid on xxxx. 直接说明自己的价格优惠是到时候,利用这个报价的有效期给到对方一点点压力

(2)制造事件营销,可以利用节日节点去做联系,Happy xxx and we wish you, your family, company enjoy your holidays.As for xxx, if you need any info,pls contact me at any time. We will try our best to satisfied with your requirements.比如在一些重要的节日的时候送上祝福,说不定就接着这个回复可以借机问一下关于上次的报价,对方是什么想法才没有回复的


Hi John,

I would like to follow up with the status of the last quotation I sent dated xx/xx/ xxxx.

May I know if your team is ready to make decision on the item purchase? Is there anything you need to know from us further? (直接问询问对方的决定

Beside, we would like to know how do we ranked in term of pricing compare to all your other quotation? We always keen on keeping ourselves competitive and offer the best to our customer. Is it something that you could share with us?(问自己价格怎么样只为提升自己的竞争力和服务,很多采购都可以接受这一点的。你很有可能从他那边得到一个真实的答案,也有可能借此打开一个本来没有希望的生意。


How can we help you solve [business challenge]?(标题直击对方的需求点

Hi ,John

Great meeting you yesterday and learning more about the [Company Name] story. ( 一般跟进几次的老客户都会有了解到他们的企业发展历史,可以借这个话题往下聊)

I’ve been thinking about your struggle with [business challenge] more, and I think we could help you solve problems by thinking through [your solution]. There are a ton of companies just like yours using our [new product] which helps with [value of product].(承上启下,因为从他们的公司情况了解到他们现在遇到的问题,从而引出自己的产品可以帮助解决,很自然的过渡

Would you be able to hop on a call sometime this week to discuss more? I can also introduce you to a few of our customers that were experiencing the same issues with their teams prior to using our product.(然后提出方便的话直接电话讨论还能说一些客户使用这些产品之前的时候也遇到了同样的问题,勾起对方的兴趣,肯定也想知道到底怎么解决的,也省去再等邮件下次回复的时间

原文来自邦阅网 (52by.com) - www.52by.com/article/100470


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