





三、意外落榜"一带一路" 连云港梦断"东方桥头堡"










八、出口连续负增长 沿海省份紧急部署稳外贸




十、中国十年内要成为制造业强国 现实离理想还有多远?

2015-06-04 444阅读
1. What are the new regulations regarding ship pollution in Shanghai and what penalties can be imposed on violators?

The new regulations regarding ship pollution in Shanghai, which came into effect on June 1, include provisions to prevent and control air and noise pollution from ships and to protect drinking water sources. Violators can face a maximum fine of 200,000 yuan.

2. Why did Hong Kong-based Gold Talent Shipping cancel its order for a bulk carrier ship to be built in Japan?

Gold Talent Shipping cancelled its order for a new ship to be built in Japan in an effort to reduce future capital expenditures as the shipping industry continues to experience declining growth.

3. Why did Lianyungang, a major port city in China, lose its status as a key port city under China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative?

Lianyungang did not appear on China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative's list of 16 key port cities. This was a surprise to many, including local officials, who had been confident in the city's status as an international trading hub after 1990 when it became a key crossing for the New Asia-Europe Continental Bridge.

4. How are local governments in China supporting the development of container transshipment business?

In recent years, container transshipment has become an important indicator of a port's competitiveness. This has led to local governments implementing administrative incentives to support the growth of this type of business.

5. How is China Merchants International embracing the "Internet+" era in shipping?

China Merchants International is seeking to integrate the shipping industry with big data and the internet to maximize the industry's digital competitive advantage. The company is exploring partnerships with big data firms, targeting an increase in competitiveness for key ports worldwide.

6. What was significant about the opening of the first bonded mixing ore base in Lianyungang?

The opening of the first bonded mixing ore base in Lianyungang marked the first time that China and Brazil carried out bonded mix-iron ore operations in the country. This move is expected to promote further cooperation between the two nations.

7. What is special about the livestock transport vessels built by China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL)?

The live animal transport vessels constructed by CSCL allow for large quantities of healthy and mature livestock to be transported across intercontinental sea routes. This service is becoming increasingly popular as countries such as Australia and New Zealand continue to expand their livestock export industries.

8. Why are coastal provinces in China stepping up efforts to stabilize foreign trade?

Coastal provinces in China are concerned about the negative impact of three months of negative growth in export in the first four months of 2019, and are taking measures to stabilize foreign trade. These include, for example, emergency deployment plans.

9. What contract did Shanghai Jiahao Land Defense Equipment Co., Ltd. sign on June 1?

Shanghai Jiahao Land Defense Equipment Co., Ltd. signed a contract with the Ministry of Public Security's procurement center and the Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau to design, purchase, and construct a total-contract package of marine vessels for entry and exit border patrol duties.

10. What is the goal of China's national initiative, "Made in China 2025"?

"Made in China 2025" is a national initiative aimed at transforming China into a manufacturing powerhouse within the next decade. In order to achieve this goal, the government is implementing measures such as improving innovation and intellectual property rights protection.
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