
双效法(推荐使用):1。在硅藻土过滤工序中将亚硫酸盐加到硅藻土罐中,加量为每吨啤酒10-15克,充分混均后进行过滤;2。在滤液进入清酒罐前(或同时)将葡萄糖氧化酶加到清酒罐中,建议加量为每吨啤酒40ml,待葡萄糖氧化酶与啤酒充分混匀后进行灌装。 三、使用效果  在成品啤酒中加入葡萄糖氧化酶,可以迅速地消耗啤酒中的大部分溶解氧,减轻和延缓啤酒中风味物质氧化过程,有效的减轻啤酒的老化,提高啤酒的风味稳定性。经众多啤酒厂家,啤酒中加入葡萄糖氧化酶后可将含氧量降到10μg/L以下,啤酒稳定性高、口味纯正、不产生沉淀、浑浊等现象。  用于鲜牛奶及乳品可防止脂肪氧化,抑制微生物生长,延长保质期。氧亦能使含油食品产生恶臭和醛酮气味,加入葡萄糖氧化酶因消耗氧而保证了产品质量。 ②是一种需氧脱氢酶。采用葡萄糖氧化酶可以除去食品和容器中的氧,从而有效地防止食物的变质,因此可以应用于茶叶、冰淇淋 、奶粉、啤酒、果酒及其他饮料制品的包装中。葡萄糖氧化酶是从特异青霉(Penicillium notatum)等霉菌和蜂蜜中发现的酶。它能催化D-葡 萄糖+O2D-葡糖酸(的δ-内酯)+H2O2的反应。EC1.1.3.4.特异青霉(P.notatum)的酶以其显有抗菌性而引入注意。葡萄糖氧化酶在面粉 中的作用:葡萄糖氧化酶在氧气的存在的条件下能将葡萄糖转化为葡萄糖酸,同时产生过氧化氢。过氧化氢是一种很强的氧化剂,能够将面筋 分子中的巯基(-SH)氧化为二硫键(-S-S-),从而增强面筋的强度。提高面团延展性、增大面包体积,可取代对人体有致癌作用的溴酸 钾KBrO4。在面条生产中,葡萄糖氧化酶有助面筋蛋白之间形成较好的蛋白质网络结构,增加面条的咬劲。
2014-06-10 287阅读
Double-effect method (recommended): 1. Add sulfite to the diatomite tank during diatomite filtration process, with a dosage of 10-15g per ton of beer. After thoroughly mixing, conduct filtration; 2. Add glucose oxidase to the clarified beer tank before (or at the same time as) the filtered liquid enters. The recommended dosage is 40ml per ton of beer. Fill after thoroughly mixing the glucose oxidase with the beer.

The effect of use: Adding glucose oxidase to finished beer can quickly consume most of the dissolved oxygen in the beer, reducing and delaying the oxidation of flavor substances in the beer, effectively reducing the aging of the beer, and improving the flavor stability of the beer. According to numerous beer manufacturers, the addition of glucose oxidase can reduce the oxygen content in beer to below 10μg/L. The beer has high stability, pure taste, and does not produce precipitation or turbidity.

When used in fresh milk and dairy products, it can prevent fat oxidation, inhibit microbial growth, and extend shelf life. Oxygen can produce unpleasant odors and aldehyde and ketone odors in oily foods. Adding glucose oxidase can ensure product quality by consuming oxygen.

Glucose oxidase is an oxygen-dependent dehydrogenase. Using glucose oxidase can remove oxygen from food and containers, effectively preventing food spoilage. Therefore, it can be used in the packaging of tea, ice cream, milk powder, beer, fruit wine, and other beverage products. Glucose oxidase is an enzyme found in specific molds such as Penicillium notatum and honey. It can catalyze the reaction of D-glucose + O2 → D-gluconic acid (delta-lactone) + H2O2. The enzyme of Penicillium notatum has attracted attention due to its apparent antibacterial properties.

The role of glucose oxidase in flour: Under conditions of oxygen presence, glucose oxidase can convert glucose to gluconic acid, while producing hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant that can oxidize thiol groups (-SH) in gluten molecules into disulfide bonds (-S-S-), thereby enhancing the strength of gluten. It can improve the extensibility of dough, increase the volume of bread, and replace potassium bromate (KBrO4), which is carcinogenic. In noodle production, glucose oxidase helps to form a better protein network structure between gluten proteins, increasing the chewiness of the noodles.