
巴基斯坦客户,从05年跟我们公司认识到现在 我是今年6月份进我们公司的 这客户对价格一直压得很低,我们公司给了最低价格给他 他还是会一直在那讨价还价,而且一直没下什么单 我们公司人吐槽说他下单的那点钱还不够每次展会请他吃饭的 照例,今年9月份我们公司要参加上海展会 本来都准备帮这客户定酒店什么的 但客户的签证要我们发官方邀请函 这个官方邀请函很麻烦的 我之前也没过 我问明老板 有没有必要帮这客户 老板说这客户都是在别的公司采购,根本就没下什么单给我们公司 就没这个必要帮弄这个 然后我就编些理由跟客户解释什么的,对话如下 我: dear sir, how are you? 客: hi i m fine tks what happen dear? 我: i am very sorry. because there is no record of business between us in our customs, our company can not provide the invitation for you. the policy in shenzhen is very strict. 客: ok no problem your company always refuse no any time come through your company we always before get visa from other company accomodation from another company but we dont sell these machinery we only sell yours but before but we never get the visa from your company ha ha ha ha 我 dear sir, thank you for your supports for our company as always, but the policy in different city is different. 客: i means we dont come your company cant fight for us come to china i always asking you pls give me p/i for remitance purpose but i dont know your sticket rules why your company do that type? anyway its useless for asking you bcz your company dont want to business with us i think i will get the invitation without any business partner in china i hopfully i will 我: dear sir,??we are business persons, we never refuse good customers and good business, otherwise, without customers, how can we exist? 客: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 另注明他上面说的pi,我发pi给他最低价格,但他后来又叫我改pi,叫我给一个更低的,我们公司根本就给不了的价格给他,所以一直就拖着,我现在都怀疑他是故意说什么订单,然后让我们公司发邀请函给他,帮他定酒店,请吃饭什么的。 还有他这么多xxxxxxxxxx,是骂我吗?对我含恨在心了? 这样的客户算奇葩吗?
2014-05-24 410阅读