
板面不良的原因 状? ?况? ? ? ? 形??成??的??原??因 板子脱轨? ? ? ? 轨道下张而不平行 卡板? ? ? ? 风温太低,吹孔部位结锡? ? ? ? 防焊膜损坏,轨面焊锡? ? ? ? 助焊剂含水过多 绿漆刮伤? ? ? ? 轨道前后歪斜被锅壁刮伤 锡厚? ? ? ? 风压过低或管破漏气? ? ? ? 力距过大? ? ? ? 上升速度太快 锡温或风温太低 锡白? ? ? ? 微蚀不足? ? ? ? 锡温太高或浸锡太久? ? ? ? 助焊剂太粘稠 新槽的锡含铜量太低 锡薄? ? ? ? 风压太大? ? ? ? 风刀和板子间距太近? ? ? ? 上升速度太慢 锡凸? ? ? ? 风温过低? ? ? ? 刀体积锡? ? ? ? 锡温偏低 浸锡时间太短? ? ? ? 刀内残屑? ? ? ? 板夹滴锡 助焊剂粘度特性 锡粉锡尾? ? ? ? 助焊剂耐温性低润滑不良? ? ? ? 槽内助焊剂覆盖不足? ? ? ? 绿漆熟化不足 锡丝锡粗? ? ? ? 除铜失效使含铜量过高 锡面不平? ? ? ? 铜面不良,微蚀不足? ? ? ? 浸锡太短? ? ? ? 锡温及风温太低 锡桥? ? ? ? 含铜量太高? ? ? ? 锡温太低? ? ? ? 锡温及风温太低 IC脚波纹? ? ? ? 力距太大? ? ? ? 上升速度太快? ? ? ? 助焊剂润滑不良 风压过低 板上下不均? ? ? ? 浸锡时间太短下降速度过慢 板下端锡薄? ? ? ? 前刀压差太高 孔小或孔塞? ? ? ? 孔内含水? ? ? ? 浸锡时间太短? ? ? ? 孔内锡渣 刀压较低升速太快 孔后锡高? ? ? ? 浸锡时间太短? ? ? ? 助焊剂太粘稠 漆面锡巴? ? ? ? 刀角太平,升速太快? ? ? ? 助焊剂润滑不良 大锡面斑白? ? ? ? 助焊剂油点溅到锡面 锡厚垂流? ? ? ? 锡温太高,浸锡太久? ? ? ? 刀距太大? ? ? ? 刀压太小 以上问题大致上可依下列三项因素来解释其成因,而改变各因素的操作条件,即可解决问题: 1.风刀对锡面的刮削力: 影响因素:(1)刀口与板距;(2)风刀压力;(3)板面抽拉速度。 2.锡的流动性: 影响因素:(1)锡温;(2)浸锡时间;(3)含铜量;(4)风刀温度; (5)板面特性[铜面、FRP面或绿漆面];(6)助焊剂润滑性。 3.板面的粘著性: 影响因素:(1)铜面的洁净度;(2)铜面的微蚀粗化度; (3)助焊剂的粘度或活化特性。
2014-05-14 282阅读

Causes of poor board surface

Conditions Causes
Off-track board The track is uneven or not parallel
Stuck board Low wind temperature causes tin accumulation at the blowing hole; damaged solder mask causes tin to be deposited on the track surface; too much water in the flux
Scratched green paint The track is crooked and gets scratched by the wall
Thick tin Low wind pressure or gas leakage; large distance between the force distance and the board; too fast ascent speed; low tin temperature or wind temperature
White tin Insufficient corrosion; high tin temperature or too long dipping time; too sticky flux; low copper content in the new trough
Thin tin High wind pressure; too small gap between the wind knife and the board; too slow ascent speed
Tin bulge Low wind temperature; excessive deposition on the knife body; low tin temperature; too short dipping time; debris in the knife; droplets of tin on the board clamp
Flux viscosity property Poor temperature resistance and lubrication of the flux; insufficient coverage of the flux in the trough; insufficient maturity of the green paint
Tin powder or tin tail Copper content is too high due to ineffective copper removal
Uneven tin surface Poor copper surface, insufficient corrosion, too short dipping time, low tin temperature or wind temperature
Tin bridge Copper content is too high; tin temperature is too low; wind temperature is too low
Wavy IC pins Too large force distance; too fast ascent speed; poor lubrication of the flux; low wind pressure
Uneven board Dipping time is too short and the descent speed is too slow
Thin tin at the lower end of the board Too high front knife pressure difference
Small hole or clogged hole Water is trapped in the hole; dipping time is too short; tin slag in the hole
High tin at the back of the hole Dipping time is too short; flux is too sticky
Tin bar on the paint surface The knife edge is too flat, and ascent speed is too fast; poor lubrication of the flux
Large tin surface with white spots Flux oil splashes onto the tin surface
Thick tin drips Tin temperature is too high and dipping time is too long; the knife distance is too large; the knife pressure is too small

These problems can be explained by the following three factors, and changing the operating conditions of each factor can solve the problem:

1. The scraping force of the wind knife on the tin surface:
Factors affecting it: (1) the distance between the knife edge and the board; (2) wind knife pressure; (3) board pulling speed.

2. The flowability of the tin:
Factors affecting it: (1) tin temperature; (2) dipping time; (3) copper content; (4) wind knife temperature; (5) board surface characteristics [copper surface, FRP surface, or green paint surface]; (6) flux lubricity.

3. The adhesion of the board surface:
Factors affecting it: (1) cleanliness of the copper surface; (2) roughness of the copper surface; (3) viscosity or activation characteristics of the flux.