
各位福步的大神,我最近接到了个新的订单来自智利,大家帮我看看客户要求有没有什么潜在风险 这一单cif valparaiso ,新客人来的 订单明细如下: special conditions: before shipment you must sent production physicall samples in order we can confirm the production is correct in order we can give authorization for shipment. before shipment you must sent??by e mail the scanned for fraft for c/o fta in order we??can confirm it coming correct. besides??in the insole??label??must put our logo “xxxx” and??in small word??“hecho en china”. .? ? ? ? a complete set of non negotiable copies of shipping documents ? ? ? ? must ? ? ? ? be fax to us as soonest they are ailable. (b/l, commercial ? ? ? ? invoice, packing list, insurance??policy) .? ? ? ? payment: l/c? ?at sight .? ? ? ? no transshipments allowed .? ? ? ? p/i??and l/c number must be shown on shipping documents .? ? ? ? us$1.00 x pr. discount will apply if the following quality problems ? ? ? ? are found; glue spots around the outsole, soft tip cap, soft ? ? ? ? counterback.??the discount will be applied to the total quantity ? ? ? ? shipped. .? ? ? ? if beneficiary requires new shipping and expire dates, this ? ? ? ? credit/order will be subject to the following discounts: late shipment within:? ? ? ? 11 to 20 days ? ? ? ? 10% discount 21 to 30 days? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 15% discount 31 days & over? ? ? ? 20% discount, plus the ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? right to cancel the order. if further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact us. all inner boxes and cartons must be mentioned their respective barcodes and must be mention in p/i. each model must coming??with 2 barcodes label, one as always in inner bos and one inside shoes tongue, as label but stuck in order??tooid it get out. 帮我看看以上条款是否有潜在的风险。 大家走智利这个国家,通关有没有遇到什么特殊情况和智利客人有什么特点,相关信息可以告知小弟的。~感激不尽~~
2014-05-07 908阅读

1. 物理样品确认:这是客户的常规要求,以确保生产的产品符合其要求和标准。如果你的产品在设计或质量方面没有问题,向客户发送样品应该不会有问题。

2. 产地证明:客户要求你在出货之前发送产地证明的扫描件,以确认证明的正确性。如果你的产品原产地是中国,这应该是没有问题的。

3. 标签要求:客户要求在鞋垫标签上放置其标志和“中国制造”的字样。这也是客户的常规要求,以符合当地市场监管规定。

4. 运输文件:客户要求你在文件可用时立即传真出运输文件的非议证副本。确保你按时提供文件以避免任何延误。

5. 付款方式:客户要求以信用证支付。这是一个安全和双方互相尊重的付款方式。

6. 禁止转运:禁止从源口岸到目的口岸进行转运的限制通常是可接受的。

7. 质量问题和折扣:这是一个合理的质量控制措施和折扣政策,建议你确保产品的质量符合客户的要求和标准。

8. 智利特点:智利是一个对质量和环境规定敏感的市场,应该注重产品质量和绿色生产。
