
自从我的外贸公司成立以来,常到一些国内工厂的外贸同行发给我的发信。遗憾的是,大部分我看了后都会感到很头疼,至少要皱眉毛。不光是英语语法问题迭出,更多的是措辞方面的不当。在世界上最大的外贸论坛——FOB(福步)上,也经常看到同行们互相分享(摘录)一些发信或外贸函电,其实都是我们大学时的外贸函电教科书上的那些“老太太的裹脚布”,一样令人头疼,可大部分同行却在叫好,我每次看到都忍不住摇头或发上几句牢骚。- 因此,一直想写篇关于外贸发信的书写的专题文章,可一直都没有写成。今天,有幸得到AIA (American Importers Association=美国进口商协会)的一篇经典论述,于是想写就这篇文章。一直很欣喜的是,我建立的博客圈(“外贸人生”)已经逐步发展到235名成员的规模,目前也在国内“外贸类”主题博客圈中排到第二的位置,排在第一的是我认识的一个上海的外贸朋友创立的“外贸SOHO族”圈。希望我此篇文章对外贸同行朋友们,有切实的启示。若能对咱中国的外贸同行的素质提高有一丝一毫的作用,我也就感到很欣慰了。- -下面,进入正题。是全英文的,更便于外贸同行们去领悟,分成“正解”和“禁忌”两部分。- 当然,这主要是针对美国客户的。但我想,若能以此为标准针对其他各国客户,一样只会是更专业。我能理解,这对长期从事“非美国市场业务”的外贸同行来说,是需要点时间来适应的,尤其是我下面将指出的“禁忌”这一块,因为咱学外贸时,教授或教科书上就是这样教的。- -一、外贸发信的书写(正解)- The first step in writing a sales letter is to get a list of addresses of prospective buyers. The second step is to send each of the buyers on your list a sales letter. The sales letter that you send represents your company. If it looks good, you look good. if it looks bad, you look bad. If there are mistakes in the letter the quality of your product is questioned. Effective sales letters generally he four paragraphs and are arranged in the following manner.- Paragraph One: Attracting Attention The first sentence must get the reader's attention. Asking a question in which the answer is guaranteed to be "yes" is a good way to start. "Would you like to improve your life?" The opening paragraph, in fact the first sentence, should excite curiosity or attract the attention in some way that will make the reader continue to read the letter.- The most difficult paragraph to write in a sales letter is the first one. You he just a few seconds to get the reader's attention.- Would you like to see your factory's production increase by 15% or more?- Wouldn't you prefer to he your wedding pictures taken by the leader in the field?- Another way to start a sales letter is to write a sentence that will surprise or shock the reader.- In 1996 we helped over 250 small businesses like yours to increase their productivity.- Since 1991 we he grown from a small printing company to one of the largest publishing houses in the city.- If you are contacting the customer for the first time or if your company is unknown, you might start with a general introduction of yourself.- Example A:- Alfred's Textile Marketing Co. Ltd. is a leading Russian manufacturer and exporter of socks and hosiery. The range of our product line, good quality, and competitive prices he made us one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in Russia.- Example B:- Floppy Textile Buying Agency, established in 1987, is one of the fastest growing agents in India. We currently represent a number of major European importers, such as Fe Fe LaMew Mail Order of France and others.- Other Examples:- The ABC Trading Company was founded in 1986 to serve the construction industry in New York state. Since then we he expanded our market year by year to where we now he customers in 12 countries around the world.- Paragraph Two: Building Interest and Desire The second paragraph must convince the reader of the value of the product. When you he succeeded in getting the reader's attention, you must hold that attention. The best way to hold it is to build interest by describing your product so that the reader can virtually experience it. Use colorful, descriptive words.- In paragraph two you must show the reader that he/she either- - needs your product (a car)- - could use your product (an easier inventory system)- - should not be without your product (insurance)- OR - would benefit from your product (a new line of clothes he/she could sell)- Sentence by sentence you lead the reader through your sales pitch. If he closes his eyes he can see that new car, going home earlier because of his new inventory system,
2014-02-09 571阅读
ce you are interested in high-quality, environmentally friendly products, we thought you might be interested in our new line of organic cotton clothing.-

Paragraph Two: Developing Interest

The second paragraph develops the interest that was created in the first paragraph. This is usually done by discussing a common problem or need that the reader may have and then explaining how your product or service can help solve that problem or fill that need. This paragraph should be fairly brief and to the point.-

Many small business owners find that they are spending too much time on administrative tasks and not enough on growing their business. Our software can help you streamline your operations and free up time for more important activities.-

Our new line of organic cotton clothing is not only better for the environment, but also more comfortable and longer-lasting than traditional cotton clothing.-

Paragraph Three: Creating Desire

The third paragraph should create desire in the reader by emphasizing the benefits of your product or service. This paragraph should give the reader a clear picture of how they will benefit from purchasing your product or service.-

Our software has been proven to increase productivity by up to 35%, and many of our customers have seen a return on investment in as little as three months.-

Our organic cotton clothing is softer and more breathable than traditional cotton clothing, and our use of sustainable farming practices ensures that you can feel good about your purchase.-

Paragraph Four: Encouraging Action

The final paragraph encourages the reader to take action. This can be done by offering a special promotion or discount for a limited time, providing a call to action, or simply providing your contact information and encouraging the reader to get in touch with you.-

For a limited time, we are offering a 20% discount on all software purchases. Don't miss this opportunity to streamline your operations and increase productivity!-

To learn more about our organic cotton clothing line or to place an order, please visit our website or contact us directly.-


Below are some common mistakes to avoid when writing sales letters. Don't let these mistakes reflect poorly on your company or your product.-

1. Using slang or casual language. Remember, you are representing your company and should maintain a professional tone.-

2. Using overly formal or stilted language. You want to come across as approachable and friendly, not stiff and formal.-

3. Ignoring cultural differences. Make sure you are aware of the cultural norms and business practices of the country you are writing to, and adjust your language and tone accordingly.-

4. Failing to proofread. Typos and grammatical errors reflect poorly on your attention to detail and can cast doubt on the quality of your product.-

5. Making false claims or promises. Don't make promises that you can't keep, or make exaggerated claims about your product. This will only lead to disappointment and distrust.-

6. Being too pushy or aggressive. Your sales letter should be persuasive, but not pushy or aggressive. You want to entice the reader to take action, not force them into it.-

7. Failing to include a call to action. Make sure you clearly state what you want the reader to do next, whether it's to visit your website, place an order, or contact you for more information.-


In conclusion, writing effective sales letters is a critical skill for anyone in the world of international trade. By following the guidelines outlined above and avoiding the common mistakes, you can create a sales letter that will grab the reader's attention, emphasize the benefits of your product or service, and encourage them to take action. Remember, your sales letter is a reflection of your company and your product, so make it count!
    Other Examples:­

    The machine that we sell is called the Safehouse. It turns the lights on at your house at night when you're coming home. And you can reverse the process when you lee, turning off the lights when you he locked the door, gone down the steps, and left the yard. Amazingly, the Safehouse weighs only 150 grams and fits easily in your pocket or purse.­

    Paragraph Four: Directing Forable Action

    You he now reached the point where if your letter was successful, you must move