跪求大神翻译 急急急

急!急!急!跪求大神帮忙翻译下面内容: 今天是延期申报的最后一天,对于我们双方来说时间都非常紧急了。申报表中还存在如下问题: 申报表中的“4.Participants of this project(2)-Israeli company”部分中: a.请根据TOP公司的实际情况填写专利或知识产权(Patents IP)数量。 b.TOP公司获得的政府支持(4.5项),需列出项目经费名称和取得时间(please list the name of funding for the project and the time of its arrival)。 2、请尽快返回申报表的签字页和MOU FORM。
2014-01-11 1726阅读
Urgent! Urgent! Urgent! We urgently request the assistance of professionals to translate the following content:

Today is the last day of the delayed declaration. Time is very tight for both of us. The following problems still exist in the declaration form:

In the "4. Participants of this project (2) - Israeli company" section of the application form:
a. Please fill in the number of patents or intellectual property (Patents IP) according to the actual situation of the TOP company.
b. Please list the name of the funding for the project and the time of its arrival for the government support (4.5 items) that TOP company has obtained.

2. Please return the signature page and MOU FORM of the application form as soon as possible.
  • John.Hoppe
    太感谢了  谢谢! 谢谢! 谢谢! 谢谢! 谢谢! 谢谢!
  • amy9
    PS. JiangSu Productivity Commission just called us about the application form, I replied them we'll submit asap, so please kindly help to push TOP company to reply back the required information in my former email, and sign back the form as well as the MOU Form to us immediately, Or, if TOP company want to revise any items in MOU Form, please just revise and sign back to me, we need the form in no time. It's only 3 hours left for us to submit the form, otherwise the worker of office will days off
  • Tony39
          刚刚接到江苏省国际生产力促进中心某某的电话,询问申报表提交的事宜。我跟他说,我们肯定会提交的。所以,麻烦您尽快让TOP公司完善我上封邮件中所提的申报表信息以及尽快将提交申报表所需的签字页和MOU Form返还给我们。
       如果TOP公司认为MOU Form内容需要修改,让他直接修改后,签字盖章返还给我。我们现在的时间已经是下午两点钟了,离下班还有三个小时。请TOP公司加快速度。
  • john50
          刚刚接到江苏省国际生产力促进中心某某的电话,询问申报表提交的事宜。我跟他说,我们肯定会提交的。所以,麻烦您尽快让TOP公司完善我上封邮件中所提的申报表信息以及尽快将提交申报表所需的签字页和MOU Form返还给我们。
       如果TOP公司认为MOU Form内容需要修改,让他直接修改后,签字盖章返还给我。我们现在的时间已经是下午两点钟了,离下班还有三个小时。请TOP公司加快速度。
  • 姚建林
          刚刚接到江苏省国际生产力促进中心某某的电话,询问申报表提交的事宜。我跟他说,我们肯定会提交的。所以,麻烦您尽快让TOP公司完善我上封邮件中所提的申报表信息以及尽快将提交申报表所需的签字页和MOU Form返还给我们。
       如果TOP公司认为MOU Form内容需要修改,让他直接修改后,签字盖章返还给我。我们现在的时间已经是下午两点钟了,离下班还有三个小时。请TOP公司加快速度。
  • kenchiang
  • 李莹2
    Today is cut off day for postponed declarance, we need to catch the deadline urgently. However, we still he below items need to fill in the declarantion form: For 4.Participants of this project(2)-Israeli company item, A. please fill in the product qty. which TOP actually used their own pantents or Patents IP; B. Column 4.5, which is the product is belong to Government funding project, so you need to list the name of funding for the project, and the time of its arrival.
    Please sign the declar
  • Kevin11
  • Mary23
      申报表中的“4.Participants of this project(2)-Israeli company”部分中:
    a.请根据TOP公司的实际情况填写专利或知识产权(Patents IP)数量。
    b.TOP公司获得的政府支持(4.5项),需列出项目经费名称和取得时间(please list the name of funding for the project and the time of its arrival)。
        2、请尽快返回申报表的签字页和MOU FORM。

    Today is the last day of delayed declaratory, the time is very urgent for both of us. There still being some questions of declaration form as below :

    The part “4.Participants of this project(2)-Israeli co
  • India.Emporium
    Today is the last day for the deferred declaration. It is really tight for both of our parties. However, there are still some issues in the delaration form, which are listed as below:

    In Section "4.Participants of this project(2)-Israeli company":
    a. Please fill in the no. of the patent or patents IP based on the actual condition of TOP company
    b. Please list the name of funding for the project and the time of its arrival for the government support obtained by Top company (Item 4.5).

    2. Pl