
好的翻译可以让人更加了解你,从而更易让人家信任你。重要的产品信息,重要的资料,需要准确的翻译,让客户看得懂,不闹笑话,同时不损坏公司形象。而好的翻译能给客户留下好的印象,让客户对你更多的了解,同时也让自己更好地了解客户,从而建立良好的关系,为业务的顺利进行扫除语言障碍。但是,很多情况下,若说 为了聘请常年的专业翻译,需要较高的成本,或者是有些情况下,自己的翻译人员满足不了业务的需要,那该如何是好?那么建议可以寻找第三方的翻译公司服务。但是,找到翻译公司不难,关键是找到自己合适的翻译公司。 合适的标准需考虑这些因素。第一,需要考虑这家企业是否正规,是不是小作坊模式;能否正规;能否企业盖章;以便以后发生纠纷有据可寻。第二,该企业的译员经验,是否有相关行业的经验,翻译资历是否深,不是刚毕业的大学生来翻译。第三,价格,价格不是越低越好,因为翻译是很费脑费时的工作,价格很低的翻译一般不能翻译出好的质量;正所谓一分钱一分货是很有道理的。当然价格也不能高得太离谱了,需要自己去衡量。建议可以多找几家翻译公司询问下。第四,需要了解该公司以往的成功的案例。一个好的翻译公司往往为重多的知名企业过翻译,这就说明该公司翻译的质量是没问题的。最后,在时间方面应该要求对方准时完成,要说的是这是个双方的问题,不能算很大的因素,需要双方衡量,在合理的时间内完成翻译;时间太紧了,翻译质量会受损。作为委托翻译方,最好整理好自己的翻译材料,把所需要的翻译要求,甚至是一些专用词汇发给翻译企业。这样可以避免浪费很多不必要的时间。 另外,需要说的是,现在的网络已经是很方便了,可以借此二、三线城市的翻译企业。因为在一线城市,专业的翻译公司的价格相对较高,而在一些二、三线城市也不乏好的翻译公司,不仅能高质量的翻译服务,同时价格也相对较低。相信一个好的翻译,一定可以给自己的业务带来巨大好处,节省成本。 (来源:福州合力达翻译有限公公司,可登陆网站查询:
2013-08-24 599阅读
Translating can bridge the gap between the world and bring us closer to each other. Good translation can help people understand you better, thus making it easier for them to trust you. Important product information and data require accurate translation to avoid misunderstandings and damage to the company's image. Good translation can leave a good impression on customers and help establish a good relationship, removing language barriers for smooth business operation. However, in many cases, hiring professional translators may require high costs or your own translation personnel may not meet business needs. Therefore, it is recommended to seek third-party translation services. However, finding the right translation company is key.

Here are some factors to consider. Firstly, consider whether the company is legitimate or not. Can they provide proof of legitimacy such as a company seal? Secondly, the experience of the translators, whether they have relevant industry experience and qualifications. Thirdly, price - lower prices do not always guarantee good quality translation since translation is a time-consuming and mentally taxing job. It's best to compare prices among different companies and select a reasonable option. Fourthly, understanding the company's successful past cases. A good translation company will often have worked with well-known enterprises, indicating good translation quality. Finally, ensure completion of the translation on time, which is a mutual responsibility of both the client and the translator. The quality of translation may suffer if the timeline is too tight. It's best to provide the translation company with clear material and requirements to avoid wasting time.

Additionally, it is worth noting that the internet has made seeking translation service more convenient, including in second and third-tier cities where good translation companies with high quality and low prices also exist. A good translation service will bring considerable benefits to your business while saving costs.